Global Resonance Network

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From: anne Akers
Date: Saturday, September 6, 2008, 5:50 PM
Subject: Baby Mia needs prayers and healing energy
ID: 264205

Greetings from Rev. Anne Akes, Australia. I am sending out a request for healing and prayers for a new mother who is 30 weeks into her preganancy with a baby girl who they have named Mia. Mia is in trouble, part of her bowel is on the outside, otherwise she is a perfect baby girl. Mia will be delivered by ceasarean section on Tuesday the 9th September at 2pm Australian time, she will be 10 weeks early and will be taken to theatre immediatly after delivery. The doctors have told the family her chances of survival are low. Jennifer, the mother of Mia is 19yrs old, this is her first child. Aron and Jen celebrated their wedding day only 3 weeks ago.I believe in miricles, I have witnessed many over the years, I believe if we can create an international prayer and healing circle for Mia her chances of survival will increase from the love and support sent her way.Please forward this request on to your friends. I will keep everyone updated on Mia's progress and also forward on any emails of support to her parents.

I have been given permission by Aron and Jen to ask for help from the international community, they are both prepared for the worst, yet also have hope. I know this is unusual and away from the spiritual debate yet this is an opportunity for us to put some action into our beliefs of creating a global community through assisting this tiny unborn soul.

In Love Light and Truth Rev. Anne