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From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 10:05 AM
Subject: Integral Context - The Role of Idealism
Reply to: 265718
ID: 265723

hi starr* et all illuminated at her Glance ;-)

a list of 7 sensitivities as:

What is meant by "Personal Sovereignty" is your Natural Right to Sovereign Freewill which all normal human beings are born with, and which includes several qualities;

1. INHERENT = existing as your essential constituent or characteristic.

2. INTRINSIC = your fundamental nature.

3. INBORN = possessed by you as an organism.

4. INGRAINED = worked deeply into your texture or fiber.

5. INSTINCTIVE = your natural capability or aptitude.

6. INTUITIVE = the act or faculty of your knowing without the use of rational processes: immediate cognition.

7. INALIENABLE = these qualities belong to you and cannot be transferred to another.

... are to me as a cryptogram to align them to the 6 Martin Buber roles as
Patriarch - Leader/Guide - Judge - King - Prophet - Priest
added with the 7th (including 8th & 9th) ... the Follower

5. Instinctive is as Moses: Leader/Guide

1. Inherent is as David: King / Queen

6. Intuitive is as the Priest or maybe Anti-Priest - the Politician at governance seat

2. Intrinsic is as the Patriarch , who is forming a new familyline ... dynasty

4. Ingrained is the Prophet - not visited by neighbours ; known at large distance

3. Inborn is the Judge free from prejudice & money paradises

7. Inalienable is the Follower who includes the 8th and 9th selves , resp. the inner child & the pivotal entrepreneur / the anarchist

In this timespan all roles are worthwhile to focus in monadic shell ...

The sacral seer is at 3rd eye perspective unveiling a mask (2nd sacral chak'ra) ~ (who hints?)


thanks for the QueerPass ... Starr*, S'ace ~ non-fiction egolutionist produ'singing