Global Resonance Network

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Friday, November 28, 2008, 8:08 AM
Subject: Portal to Unity
Reply to: 265936
ID: 265982

Good morning...

I guess it's been true since the beginning of this network -- that this place has always been about things like "peace-making".

The concept of "resonance" -- seems to work best when people are in some approximate agreement about things.

Around here -- we do tend to agree -- on quite a few basic underlying points.

Not everybody in the network is totally and absolutely and profoundly spiritual -- but many are. Many people are very ready to simply give their all to the path of spirit. Let it come, let it flow. Walk the path -- walk the talk...

So, we are very fortunate to have teachers like Ram -- who can help guide us along this way.

And we can continue to explore how these classical and excellent teachings -- become appropriate and workable in a "collective" context.

What IS "collective attunement"?

Well, like it says in the Bible -- "they came together in one accord...."

A big group of people came into profound resonance with one another -- and with God and Spirit...

How does that happen?

Is it always just some mystical magic, that happens for reasons that nobody understands or can explain?

Or -- is there an "art and science" to how this works?

It seems very clear to me -- that this experience and phenomena happens for reasons -- that are becoming increasingly clear and understandable.

If a big group of people are basically in agreement on some essential aspects of their thinking -- that thinking alone does not make the experience of resonance happen. But a process of spiritual transformation within that thinking -- can and does release that resonant experience. For the individual, it's like "grace". You can't make spiritual grace happen by some technique or method -- but you can plow the field -- you can make your self ready and receptive...

And that's the point of spiritual teachings -- like those brought to us by Ram, and the great gurus and teachers of history...


What I am thinking about, feeling, sensing -- is that maybe the key to opening up this resonant network, as a kind of gathering point for resonant forces coming from anywhere -- is a way that people can "enter in" -- through a "portal" -- kind of like a gateway, a door -- where the entry involves a certain amount of agreement...

Now -- this is not about "agreement to a bunch of rules" that somebody (me, you, somebody around here) has decided are "the rules".

Everybody shows up for their own reasons, and simply gets to define what they want to do, and what they believe. If we're doing this on-line -- on the internet, through a web site -- this could be very simple. Just click a series of simple options -- very fast -- just click through something in one minute -- maybe five or ten points. Not many -- just click yes or no, or some very (a lot, not very much, that kind of thing). Something very fast and easy.

Like maybe the starting point is something like

  • i want to collaborate with others (yes/no)
  • i have a project i want to develop with others (yes/no) - if yes, what is that project?
  • i am interested in... (a, b, c, d, you tell us in brief points, maybe selecting from options entered by others - enter your own if you don't see yours)
  • my purpose is (a,b,c,d, select or enter your own)
  • what else should we include.... you tell us, make a suggestion....

if we said we wanted to start simply with a "spiritual circle" -- maybe that would be a good place to start here -- what would those points of agreement be?

Ram could could probably suggest a few -- we could dig up many of them from recent messages....

Nobody is forced to agree to anything. Total freedom, click what you want.

But -- depending on what you click -- you become connected to others who have also click similar things.

If a bunch of people have clicked "I am interested in Oneness" -- all those people are connected. Right? This is not rocket science.

What do people agree to? It's up to them.

But as this happens -- if you could get a lot of people to do it, and you had lots of interesting points and levels -- you could build a big force-field of agreement -- without imposing any rules that something thinks everybody should believe in or follow.

So, how would this work?

Well -- people who said they wanted to be part of this -- to enter this gateway, to go through this portal -- would have a way to enter a web-space -- and respond to the next level of questions, whatever they are -- maybe five fast little questions every week --

and they could gradually, over time -- be building up a big detailed array of their interests and agreements -- maybe hundreds of points after a while -- all of them simple and fast, and taking shape depending on their interests...

so, every week -- you get a little email message, with a few questions in it -- and something to click, to enter your answers. you take a couple of minutes, click something in the email, you are logged in to the portal, you click a few response to the questions, maybe type in a few new ideas or questions that you have, maybe some options for others to select from --

the whole thing takes you five minutes a week -- unless you feel like spending more time

and as these responses take shape, a force-field of agreement emerges...

if we contacted -- thousands of people interested in unity and oneness -- and there are millions of those people around, and many great websites on those themes -- all those people would begin to be directly interconnected -- not by sending each other loads of emails (though they could do that too), but simply because they were coming into a big resonant agreement with millions of others...

anyway, that's a thought, this cool lovely Friday morning.

portal to unity, click here to enter...

--- On Thu, Nov 27, 2008, in msg265936, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

"In cabalistic symbolism, the sacred palace, or the 'inner palace', is located at the junction of the six Directions of Space which, together with the centre, form a septenary. This concept of the Centre embraces the heart and the mind."
A Dictionary of Symbols - J. E. Cirlot

So -- the airports are shut down by protesters in Thailand, and elite Indian troops are going room-to-room in India -- and it is perfectly quiet this early morning in Santa Barbara....

And this little network -- just picking up a bit of inspiration and guidance from the quote that happens to be on my screen right now -- is a "junction of (many) directions" -- which, we might say -- is that same theme just offered to us in the video posted by biovoid -- the "core rainbow" from which all things came -- and perhaps, to which they all must return...

That video uses the expression "the shift we are all enduring".

This shift for some of us -- is not all that easy. It is so demanding. "Getting through the eye of the needle". Hey -- we are TOO BIG to fit through that little thing.... I have ALREADY done everything conceivable, and listened to every saint and prophet, and walked the walk, what do you mean I STILL have to do all this???

I don't know the answer to that. All I really know to do is -- take another step, and stay as true as possible.

But one thing that is happening for me this morning, motivated I think at least in part by this pretty new banner/logo for this network -- is an idea that just keeps coming up for me -- maybe I am just "too male" or something -- but I keep looking for an ordered convergent process, where people show up, and begin to work their way into an integral resonant matrix...

HOW do we convene this global resonance? Do we sit here and wait for some great "shift" as predicted by some school of prophets? Is somebody else doing the work, getting it done, we are just riding on the vortex of their virtue and guidance and efforts? Or do we have to step up and do it ourselves?

Do we want a highly coherent ordered field? Or should we just assume that something magical will happen -- that the huge range of differences and underlying assumptions and attitudes and philosophies will be just magically vaporized by something mystical, when our magical destiny finally arrives?

I just can't help myself. When I see huge differences among people -- something in me knows -- that these differences must somehow be negotiated into unity. This process -- does not lead us all into uniformity -- far from it. But "coming together" does depend -- on something underneath -- that we consciously control and define and select....

We choose it. We have "free will". We are the "captains of our own ship". We choose our destiny, we select the direction it sails....

I like what this new banner says. It is actually the wording taken from our original project, put together maybe five years ago. I think it was Bonnie who first uttered that phrase -- "Diversity becomes harmony through resonance." Such a simple idea -- yet so powerful and profound -- and original. Have you ever heard that idea anywhere else before? Not me. It's powerful.

The art and science of collective attunement. We don't get "collective attunement" without that "art and science". Without that art and science -- the coherence of the energy field is magical, momentary and iffy. We are in resonance one minute -- and the next, something cycles up, and resonance is broken.

What we are looking for -- is non-stop continuous unbroken resonance -- like AUM. What we are saying is: enter the AUM -- the universal resonant current -- not just in moments of meditation. Not just for one hour a week, or on some special day or event. Go there, be that -- forever. That's really the message.

Who is ready for that? Well, maybe a few.

Knock on the door, and say -- yes, I want that....

And say -- yes, I will do what it takes to get that...

And say, I want to do this with others.

And yes, I am willing to learn how to do this, and to shape and adjust my life accordingly. I want to be there, I want to be part of this. I am prepared to commit myself to whatever it takes. Where I do not yet understand -- I will strive for something better. Where all of us together do not fully understand -- I agree to listen to others with cocreative respect. I want to be "in the circle". I want to be part of it. I believe in it -- and where I do not fully understand, I will do my best to go ahead on faith....

My feeling is -- millions of people are really feeling something like this. All this testing and trial -- all this "going through the eye of the needle" -- is a kind of preparation for this process.

You say you want to join the great circle. You say you want to join hands and hearts. You say you want to surrender into the divine current. You say you want to give your all, and walk the walk to the end.

Ok -- that's great. That's square one. Glad you made it...

Now -- here's a doorway....

Try walking through this. There's a few of us here, who have made this promise and this commitment. Maybe we don't really know how it all works -- but we are ready to put everything on the table. So, let it come.
