Global Resonance Network

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 11:28 AM
Subject: Points
ID: 266190

Ok.  One more message before I get out of here and go up into the mountains..




Points of Light.

"Bullet Points"

"Please get to the point"

"What IS the point?"


Get to The Point...

Maybe that is what we are doing.

We are "getting to The Point"

The Point -- that is the common center of everything...

And the idea is -- to get EVERYBODY to that same absolute cosmic center point of total unity.

This -- is the absolute portal, the "eye of the needle", the gateway through which we must all pass...

And all these little "points" that we are starting to float through this Portal -- gather up like resonant clouds -- they help us converge, they help us come together, they help us see past our limits, our smallness of perspective, our limited horizon.  They open us, they connect us, they guide and lead and inspire us -- as we gather up our energies, and "somehow know" that we want to be there, that we want to "get to the point" -- that we want to pass through that Portal...

Lots of Points -- all pointing in the right direction.  We can connect them in resonant clouds, and draw them into infinite focus..

Hmm.  Points -- are pointing....

Where are they pointing?

To the One Point....

Let's go there....