Global Resonance Network

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From: Ram Varma
Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 6:12 PM
Subject: Network of Peace
Reply to: 266186
ID: 266193

Hi Bruce, et all, Thanks for sharing "Peace" vision. Of course, peace is an integral part/experience of unity-consciousness. To promote net wrok of peace, we can take the following three steps to experience and radiate peace: 1. Every morning renew the sublime vow that I will maintain peace in my thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Each group facilitator can first take this vow personally and feel its immense inner power. Then call upon the members of the group to do the same. I submit that you do this please first for yourself and then call upon all the members of the groups you have generated or you are a member of to do the same. I am going to do this tomorrow morning with all the group members of a live group in Toronto. 2. Then take a vow from each member to give this vow to at least three people. Then further each peace member does the same in a sort of pyramid fashion. 3. When the power of peace is felt/experienced within, let it further connect in a soul to soul mode to create Oneness all across the universe. We are all the same in our spirit. By so doing, the circulation of peace energy will enhance manyfold and in the course of time peace waves will start to radiate and prevail. Let's make sure all the above is done in an unconditional/unattached way. And Peace is experienced/upheld both within and beyond. The whole ballgame, like any other good stuff, starts with us individually. It can then be radiated in its own unique way to group peace networks...and further to all that exists in the universe............;hence the universal connection. By the way, I understand that Dr. Deepak Chopra has already taken devotedly to this process and has shared its essence with his "Alliance" group members. May peace be with us individually and collectively! Feeling my centre in peace and humbly conveying the same essence to all our members and other members of our bigger family.........Ram --- On Sun, Dec 14, 2008, in msg266186, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Here's another way to think about this Portal -- as a way to create peace across this planet...


I got a little private email yesterday, from somebody on this network, who I met years ago at an interfaith event in Spain.  This lady is a peace activist, working in a challenging part of the world, where conditions can be very tough, and people can be very violent.  There is a lot of tribalism, a lot of inequity, a long history of imbalance and unfairness and anger -- no doubt all mixed up with many other energies that afflict us today, like poverty and drugs and prostitution and gangs, plus intense political ideology -- everything that drives war in the streets...

And I thought about this a little bit, and asked myself, what could possibly help in a situation like this, that is so intense, so primal, so dangerous...

Is it totally naive to suppose -- that a kind of "peace-making network" could emerge from somewhere, and begin to draw all these intensely conflicting and accusatory forces into a single body of relationships -- where everyone with some stake or attitude or energy in the situation began to enter into a very sensitive and totally inclusive process of negotiation and mediation -- based on everything they know about humanity -- and everything everybody else knows about humanity...?

This kind of network -- might begin by a kind of outreach process -- that looks for people involved in this warfare -- inviting them all into a kind of totally inclusive large-scale network process. This network -- would meet everybody on their own ground, and invite them to speak their message and their truth into something like this "Portal".  What do they believe, what are they fighting for, why are they fighting, what would they like to see happen, what is a possible route or way this could happen...

Some tribal leader or warlord or guerrilla freedom fighter or spokesperson -- is invited into this process.

Maybe it would begin simply by listening -- receiving their message, their input, their vision, their statement...

Then, perhaps, it might be mentioned that some others are also being engaged in this way...

Others who might be seen as "the enemy" -- who we must destroy or kill or overcome...

 If each of those people -- could fully unfold their own statement, and add into our "Portal" everything they believe about human relationships, and what makes things work -- perhaps a very gentle process of negotiation could begin.

This process -- would essentially depend on people agreeing to "stay in relationship" -- maybe following a lot of these ideas on "Dialogue" and "Sacred Listening" that we are beginning to put into our portal...

Something like that.

Each one of these contending groups would be different, with an intense and forceful agenda -- that we are trying to resolve into a common agreement and "win/win" situation for everybody...

We build faith and trust throughout this network, because we listen to everybody, no voice is crushed or ignored or excluded, and there is room in the network for everything everybody has to say.  It all "gets in there" -- plainly visible, "transparent".


I was thinking that maybe this process looks a little bit like the sacred circle process outlined by Carolyn Anderson in the Co-Creator's Handbook.

For each individual in this process, it might begin like this, as one of these local groups in this process has formed itself...

This (above) is a picture of one of these local groups, that tends to see itself as righteous and angry and fighting hard against some enemy -- that exists somewhere over the horizon, and has formed itself in somewhat similar ways.

Could it be -- that many of these circle/network groups, each with its own identity -- could be called through a network process, into this kind of convergence to a common center?

It seems to me -- that this is the "natural and organic" way to bring peace into the world.  It's not going to really happen because some charismatic "uniter not a divider" arises in some country, and starts enforcing his vision of the way everything has to be.

Everyone has to realize their own balanced truth and peace at their own individual/local level -- and then move from there into a kind of expanded connectivity with those immediately around them -- and then, in an expanding peace-making process -- this same kind of resonant relationship-formation has to reach out across borders -- to "engage the enemy" -- and work resonantly with that "enemy" as the differences and issues are worked through and somehow resolved...



Something like this -- CAN be organized over the internet.  Yes, it's very idealistic, and who knows whether it has the raw political power to work in the real world, or whether something defined this idealistically and abstractly can actually engage people living and working in the streets.  But my guess is - - yes, it can happen.  Enough energy, enough resonance, enough faith and conviction, enough staying power -- and all of this provided by the universal currents, and not depending on "mere human strength" -- could eventually emerge to facilitate this process.

Indeed, we might even say that these pictures describe what is already happening in the world, as borders dissolve, and people become closer.  But the truth is -- "we're not there yet", and right now, in the world, there are dangerous and explosive forces, battering away against each other.  We are going through a transition.

Maybe we can wait, and "let this transition happen by itself", and maybe it will.  Or maybe, as I am inclined to suppose, we need to intentionally and consciously facilitate this process, with all the wisdom and skill and capacity and technique we can possibly bring together.
