Global Resonance Network

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:52 AM
Subject: Beliefs
ID: 266200

This morning, as another step along the path -- I have begun adding a new set of things to the "Portal to Unity".  These "things" -- are beliefs...

Now, we have, in programmer-lingo -- "three classes of objects" being developed over there.

  1. Individual Practices
  2. Group Practices
  3. Beliefs

Just to get started, I tacked in a few "basic beliefs" that I think are common to people involved in this "global shift" process -- called by some, perhaps, "the New Age".

The beliefs I stuck in there are these, with a special initial emphasis on "Gather the Women" -- since we work with a lot of women's groups, who are generally following something like this belief in the meaning of the divine feminine

So, for now, this morning -- the question might be: what do YOU think WE believe in around here?

What do you think the core beliefs or fundamental assumptions of understanding of the New Age or "Shift" really are?

We will be building up a list of these beliefs as well, with plenty of "sub-beliefs" stuck in there. 

Make some suggestions if you got a minute.  What do you think they might be, Starr*?  What do you think, Ram?  Jonathan?  Constance?

What is really calling us?  What does our guiding star look like?  What is calling you? What is guiding you?

Let's make this clear, as clear as possible -- and create a way that others can clearly and simply join us -- connect with us, be one with us -- where they believe the same things...