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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 7:48 AM
Subject: Many hands...
ID: 266229

Good morning...

Thanks for the support and vision and energy...

And yes, Starr* -- let's try to do this...

I want to share it with the Tahirih Circle on the 3rd of January and fill out the questions to bring back to us here so we can see how it works for groups. Tahirih was known as the Point of Divine Knowledge where Divine Knowledge is identical to Divine Essence --- and that is now what humanity has opened to them - so from the invisible to the visible is our challenge!!! It is happening.

This whole thing -- IS a big bite -- a big vision. It's something being felt and expressed all over the world, through many writers and groups and visionaries -- and -- this question does come up sometimes -- as to whether this is all going to happen, to its fullest potential, if those who see it "wait for the fulfillment of prophecy" -- or whether they see themselves as the instruments that fulfill the prophecies...

I myself tend to the view that "we are the hands and feet of God" -- so, things that "God wants to get done through people -- somebody has to do..."

I say this -- because it is so clear to me that we are talking about something really huge, that does transcend what any single person can do, or even what a "small group" can do -- though a group, with some dedication and steadiness, can do a lot...

An example of a group that has had a big impact -- is the Andrew Cohen collective/commune, which has been publishing "What is Enlightenment?" ("EnlightenNext") for years... That group has stayed solid through ups and downs, and maintained that steady output that made their magazine perhaps the best general source for what is going on in this new-spirit movement...

So, I do tend to ask myself -- yes, there is a tremendous vision and potential. We have seen a lot of aspects, and maybe we see how things can come together in a very powerful and profound way. We ARE "in co-creative relationship", we are listening, we are evolving together -- and out of all of this, will we have the sustaining drive and energy to begin to fully unfold the flower of this potential....

What about -- the notion that some of this is just "too complex for people?" (answer: keep it simple -- or better, keep their experience of it simple)

What about the people who just want to wait for something to happen by magic....? (are they right? Or do we -- somebody -- need to hear this call, and respond -- and simply take on this work....)

The way this feels to me is -- what we are really talking about -- is the unfolding and fulfillment of "the potential of this age". There is a great ripeness in civilization and the spirit, that is coming into being. Something in us recognized this, and we are called into that process, to be part of that unfolding. So, what I tend to feel is -- yes, a lot of this transformation can happen "by itself" -- simply as a consequence of globalization/transformation forces. People from everywhere interact, they affect one another, change occurs...

But it's my feeling -- that the potential is higher than that. I think it has to be recognized, encouraged, nurtured. We need "gardeners in our Garden". We need philosophy and design and science and informed approaches. This is all part of "the potential of our age." So, yes, it is very true that simply "in the Spirit" there is change afoot. This vision of something new continues to emerge. And this is great, and exciting.

But for me, I guess there is something truly transfiguring that is part of this moment, part of this potential. If I had my wish and my dream, the full unfolding of this potential as I understand it -- all of these things would come together at a tremendously brilliant level. Everything known about spirit and human relationships and Oneness -- plus everything known about self-governance -- and, indeed, "cybernetics" and network technology and the possibilities of the Internet...


Here's a review of this vision and potential (below graphic), from UNIVISIONS...

Should we understand all these projects as simply moving along their own independent tracks, generally "in parallel" -- influencing each other indirectly -- but not actually connected to one another in a direct or conscious or explicit way?

Or -- should these groups and projects somehow be talking to each other, consciously and explicitly exchanging ideas and energies and visions...

I myself -- am attracted to the possibilities of some kind of "Congress of Light" -- which enables communications between groups, without expecting everybody to join one central group. I feel like our Portal of Light -- can fulfill that role...

Just -- make a contact in a group that is carrying this vision. Invite that contact to participate in the Portal/Congress process -- not involving a ton of email, lots of words and "prose" and philosophy -- but instead, just give them some "fast click" options -- like simple voting. Build the connections with brief questionnaires, that introduce critical issues -- and try to encourage a broad response.

  • Yes, I recognize that there is a broader movement going on
  • Yes, I want to be part of that movement
  • Yes, I will take a few minutes a week to quickly review and respond to some brief questions that are pertinent to this movement and my/our role in it...

Something like that...

What do you think? Does that make sense? I think this is where is is going for me -- working to devise an "interface" and framework for this Portal project, that is as simple to use as possible, that reaches out as widely as possible -- and can be presented by somebody who believes in the Portal, as a way to get other people and groups involved -- a kind of "marketing or outreach package" -- that is easy to understand, easy to deal with, and gets people and groups connected immediately...

--- On Tue, Dec 16, 2008, in msg266225, Starr* Saffa wrote --- Bruce, Jonathan, et Al... This vision is so exciting - I am so happy to see it in writing for this is the vision of Tahirih (religion beyond religion, politics beyond politics, in the Universal cycle of Harmony (Unity) where all people are empowered with the Word:

Bruce: I think this is the whirlwind vortex into which we are being called. It IS "the path of spiritual realization", in every classical sense, as outlined by Ram. But it is also community. And as such -- it becomes the guiding light for the new renaissance democracy, the "integral politics" that is being born through us and everywhere.

Starr*: Yes, Her vision is unfolding through us in the Now!!! and Bruce explains it so well: I think this is the whirlwind vortex into which we are being called. It IS "the path of spiritual realization", in every classical sense, as outlined by Ram. But it is also community. And as such -- it becomes the guiding light for the new renaissance democracy, the "integral politics" that is being born through us and everywhere.>

I hope we will launch our finished project soon. I wiant to share it with the Tahirih Circle on the 3rd of January and fill out the questions to bring back to us here so we can see how it works for groups. Tahirih was known as the Point of Divine Knowledge where Divine Knowledge is identical to Divine Essence --- and that is now what humanity has opened to them - so from the invisible to the visible is our challenge!!! It is happening. *Just Please figure out a way to get the piviotal Point of love as the generating Point of our model Ram and we will be closer to the real launch!!!

I know VeroniKA and Constance will be smiling with joy at these developments that they helped inagurate over time as well as the rest of the members.

Living Laughing Love, Starr*
