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From: Starr* Saffa
Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:21 PM
Subject: The Collective Answer
Reply to: 266234
ID: 266235

Dear Bruce and Beloved Ones...

I am at an internet cafe and not in a position to respond to all these amazing thoughts and ideas...but hope to in the next few days. I think the Congress of Light is one phase. The Portal to Unity is the tool of those joining the Congress of Light.

We do have to keep it simple and trust that our spiritual impetus comes from our pure hearts and connection to the Divine. I think the idea will snowball into a HUGE UNITY once we start working it.

WE ARE THE NEW PHILOSOPHY - THAT IS WHAT IS EMERGING. All the right people will automatically be attracted if we TRUST and move into action without getting bogged down in too many cogs.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Wed, Dec 17, 2008, in msg266234, SĀ“ace G root wrote ---

:{ i network this from a ning site - as a CLeARION }:


What is stopping us from Evolving and Becoming Divinity fully and Completely, to end this whole game of suffering and finish being in Illusion? I desire to have this question ended and be living the answer.

Here is the Collective answer i compiled for the 2 sites this was posted on, Thank you so much everybody, you are all so very Wise Indeed............ ...........

That is to always Trust in the higher source and not to dwell on the past or drama's in our lives. To teach others what gifts and talents that our given to us when we were born. (wisdom,knowledge, focus, clairty, lovelight, surrendering, Trust, truth)

I think it takes time thats all ! And all growing learning and so on it takes time !

Open our Hearts and Love Unconditionally, Forgive & Release All that ever was,Be only in this moment, Let Go, Let Go, Let Go....

Maybe spreading around Zeitgeist Addendum will help? sign up the movement? I think many will understand the control and illusions that have been forced upon us by knowing the truth.

I feel some of us will be moving to be in closer physical we can connect on this beautiful planet..

Its close...its so close...its one thing to be connected via the internet...but having the physical presence might be a part of it as well...there may come a day when we outgrow the internet and throw the laptops away - we will not only be telepathic, we will have access to all information we need at any given time...we won't need the computers (as we know them) anymore...and we'll have more free "time" to create...that is what I am seeing in the not-so-distant future.

Yes, the illusions are quite convincing, but there is also an unequivocal Law that all things must abide to . . .

the question is can we see the solutions to our perceived plights of life . . . it as you said is hidden within our collective intent . . .me thinks we must practice our Magic . . . more . .

the short of it all, is to not see anything outside of Ones Self....Remember that which one gives their energy to, manifests before us. We cant yet, because we still have work to do here. To remind others of their Power, Love and Eternal Glory. Patience is called for for those who lead the way, and while we hold these embraces of the New that we KNOW are real, our dreams begin to open new pathways, create new potentials and give us all hope.

promote positivity in everything we do in life, and everywhere, worldwide in order to negate all the corruption in the world...

"All good things comes to he who waits, observes and listens with silence"

We would love to see that everyone has distinctly arrived within their own divine guidance with there true selves creating joy, genuinity and self honesty through self forgiveness.

My immediate answer to "come" was "LET GO"... as in (stop "trying"?)...


(Release to real ease?? ;)

If we can all do one BIG HUGE collective outbreath of 'surrender'..... Maybe? Just Maybe that could be a quantum breath?

Let Go and Let God?

All together -- breathe in.....

say aaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm!


I THINK THEREFOR I AM... (??????? to be pivoted to ... !!!!!!!)

There's not really a way to get everybody on the same page since we're all so diverse..All we can do is stay true to ourselves, and trust that it will work out the way it should. I too am anxious about things, but maybe we have all the time in the world? :) Maybe there is no time? We will be perfect, we are perfect.

Just letting go and Knowing that all is in DIvine Right Order~

The great splendor of life is that it keeps you eternally engaged, searching, exploring. Life is exploration, life is adventure.

You, Beloved, already experience and remember future tense.

All there is left for us to do - is release.

For The Knowing is the Manifest-Station of Our BEing.

Don't seek the answer. BE the answer. Don't seek the miracle. BE the miracle.

There is no destination. There is only Being awake, Being asleep, and the Dreaming.

What does it take? It takes true, pure, divine love expressed through blessings in thought, feeling, word, and deed and excluding noone...even if only one at a time.

A key principle in realizing our oneness with the Tao is that of wu-wei, or "non-doing."Wu-wei also implies action that is spontaneous, natural, and effortless. As with the Tao, this behavior simply flows through us because it is the right action, appropriate to its time and place, and serving the purpose of greater harmony and balance.

By listening carefully within, as well as to our surroundings, by remembering that we are part of an interconnected whole, by remaining still until action is called forth, we can perform valuable, necessary, and long-lasting service in the world while cultivating our ability to be at one with the Tao.

it is not easy to be so aware of the Will of the Divine One...

as it wants to come thru in stages of spurts of yang we must also yin again

as we give in - - - it will take us again and again

I saw a future vision----I believe it was given to me from God

I believe it is a dream that will come true......

all is well in this faith of is all being arranged.....exactly how it is supposed to be.... and piece by piece a promise is being shown and kept....all I must do is follow along, saying yes yes yes........

Te~He...... Good Answer ya'll ~Love Light and to all a Good Night,


:{ facilitated by s'ace }:
