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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 10:11 AM
Subject: Network Meditation - energy flow
Reply to: 266719
ID: 266720

Thanks, Starr*, this is great.

I've been meditating on this a bit, and considering what it is that seems to make this diagram -- and the two diagrams viewed separately -- so evocative. I feel like I am looking at something important, but it's hard to put my finger on it, and say exactly what that is...

So it's very helpful to get multiple alternative points of view on this. In fact -- I think maybe this is one of the reasons I am excited about this symbolic conjunction -- because maybe it is a key to how "alternative points of view come together" -- and "become one".

I want to understand that -- because I think understanding this accurately could be a very powerful key to moving our collective process forward into the world. Maybe this has something to do with the shift, the collective transformation -- that many people are feeling in the world right now...

I am taking some notes on this meditation -- just writing down thoughts and ideas as they come to me.

But here is one idea or question that comes up for me...

I think one thing that is going through me is the question of "how are these two diagrams saying the same thing from two different points of view?"

You have combined them in interesting ways -- putting the heart in the center of the circle...

This makes me think of this theme of "One Heart". So, maybe we can say -- that energy passes through the heart and the heart is the center -- of the universe itself, of the creatrix/goddess -- and of each person connected through it...

So, as I was doing this -- I got one question that seemed important or interesting....

It's about energy flow.

In the top diagram, the goddess/creatrix is acting as a channel for divine energy -- receiving the energy "from above" herself -- from some undefined source -- and then acting as a channel through which the energy passes, like a crystal -- from which it radiates out to all of life and being and individual human hearts. That same energy in shown in your diagram as also directly connecting or moving between human hearts.

But maybe we could say -- that this "big energy channel" that comes down from above the Goddess, in the thick white column -- is really the same energy that is connecting human hearts down in the "lower" parts of the energy-flow diagram.

Now -- when we look at the sun-goddess circle picture -- there is a sense of absolute inclusion. As I view this diagram -- I think I am looking at the same energy flow -- just seen from a different angle.

It feels like the same thing -- but it's not framed in the same way. In the top diagram -- it's more "linear", it's "hierarchical" -- the energy flows in a linearly-directed way -- "from" somewhere "to" somewhere... the Goddess is "higher than" the hearts that receive the energy.... (though we might say that the Goddess resides in every heart, in exactly that same form...)

In the bottom diagram, the sun-goddess -- the energy is flowing in a circle.

The energy goes around the circle.

The energy-flow is closed. It's a sealed loop, a sealed unit. Any energy moving through the process -- comes from somewhere within the process.

(In your new drawing, Starr* -- maybe you are showing the Creatrix/Goddess as the source -- )

I wonder -- if you could show one of the lines/arrows from the creatrix Goddess going straight to the heart at the center of the circle...

That would interrupt or break the integrity of the diagram -- it would feel kind of rude or invasive...

But maybe your diagram implies a connection like this...

I wonder -- are the "rays" coming out of the Creatrix/goddesses hands -- the same "rays" that are radiating from the center of the circle in the sun goddess picture? I would say the answer is probably yes -- but it's hard to conceptualize...

Maybe "the heart" is actually the source. So, maybe that is the key to connecting both diagrams...

The top diagram shows the white column energy flow coming from -- "something higher" -- and maybe that something -- is just that same heart -- at a higher level -- so the goddess is a step-down process in an infinite chain of transmission.....

(You know, just another thought -- but there is a lot of tension out there in "the women's movement" between "circle" and "hierarchy". Maybe this drawing is pointing towards how they come together -- I have a feeling that is part of what this is about....)

But putting this very simply -- the lower diagram shows energy flowing in a circle -- and the upper diagram shows it linearly directed "from somewhere to somewhere".

An instinct in me -- is to "convene the entire world into one big circle". That feels like the divine plan to me. That's how people are connected, that's how "heaven on earth" is realized, that's how individual human beings get "fully into the presence of Now". This is the master-diagram of Namaste.

It's my feeling -- that one of the things we are doing -- is trying to conceive all of this -- as a "network" -- a structured energy flow and relationship diagram -- that shows the ideal and perfect form of interconnectivity -- towards which the world should be moving....

"I AM the Vine, ye are the branches...."

That's a key to how this works in esoteric Christian mysticism...

But just think about that one issue.

Circular energy flow in a sealed unit, versus linear energy flow "from somewhere" that is not known or part of the diagram -- and how both of these forms might really have the same heart at the center as the source of the energy....

--- On Tue, Jan 13, 2009, in msg266719, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

---- On Sun, Jan 11, 2009, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

I have the intuition that these two symbols are strongly complementary.  I think they point the way towards a transfiguring network process.

How do they come together?  I invite you to meditate on that question....



