Global Resonance Network

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 6:34 AM
Subject: Universal Communion
ID: 269265

Good morning.

Somebody was taking a look at our old website --

and posted a comment regarding a statement on "Universal Global Communion".

I can feel that energy picking up steam -- moving ahead...

Just to show how this is working in multiple places -- here is a link to a emerging community on the Thai island of Koh Samui -- this guy is a very articulate speaker and teacher, with a lot of push and energy in his soul...

And my comments, from a couple of years ago, about this Global Communion energy....

Let me see if I can offer some small description of this "universal global communion" -- what produces it, how it is created....

Actually, I would say -- it is very simple.

It has nothing to do with "institutions" or "churches" -- though churches can and do nurture and support something like this, in their most inspired alignments -- and for this reason, I would say, continue to have a critical and authentic role in this work....

But this "communion" itself -- is a process of connection -- a process of connecting individuals to one another, through the "horizontal" process of "namaste" (as Jonathan has been reminding us, and as Ram has often discussed) -- and to the universal cosmic current -- and "the One" -- through a simultaneous "vertical" connection.

If rituals, or incantations, or chants, or prayers, or devotional postures, are required to create the appropriate energy -- then so be it. But in simplest terms -- this energy emerges through "attitude" -- through a psychological posture -- particularly in a group/collective context.

What is this attitude?

We could talk about this for hours, and we probably will -- but in essence, this attitude is composed of a few simple virtues -- generally known as

mutual respect
and perhaps the most difficult and the most challenging

any human beings anywhere -- who honor these virtues -- and who approach one another in this spirit, in this psychological posture -- will be received into the energy current of the universal global communion

there is really nothing more to it than this

no theology, no metaphysics, no doctrine, no rules

humility - love - trust - listening - surrender....

that attitude

particularly in a "co-creative" and collective context

opens the energy of the infinite power


the reason all of this is tied up with "religion" and with "churches" -- is because churches and religion, at their best, have always taught these things

when they do not, when they become confused, or over-bureaucratized, or out of touch with their own best tradition -- they lose contact with the divine current, and they lose their authority and capacity to guide human beings into the current

in the end, after 10,000 books have been written and read, and historical epochs have come and gone -- this is the calling of "religion" and the message of the saints and the prophets

enter into this communion

become as a little child

trust -- hold the hand of wisdom and walk in peace

and it is this

i believe

that we are called to convene

across the world

in yes

a network of "round tables of peace"

knights and ladies of the sacred flame

name it how you will

enter this circle

and with us build

a world of trust

and safety

where these dreams

that you mention, wolfgang

can unfold in the full power and grace of our sacred birthright and the cosmic/divine intent which spawned our being and launched us into life


i feel this -- very strongly

the vibration is rising

and to receive it

we become more humble

we become gentle

like those little children, like those lambs

into world conditions

this new situation in gaza, for example

the light must rise

in its full radiance

through every conceivable heart

in tenderness

interconnected by kindness

and the beauty of innocence