Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Nadine Macgillivray
Date: Thursday, July 6, 2006, 7:13 AM
Subject: A Challenge - World Unity Campaign - Call to Women
Reply to: 255603
ID: 253199

HI all,

I've been trying to reply to this for a couple of days and I didn't understand about having to log in first and then reply - but, being a fairly intelligent but somewhat computer challenged woman I figured it out

I am glad the interchange between Star and Clare got posted - it is not a good thing to keep a healthy exchange of ideas hidden behind closed doors. I can clearly sense there is even more to the story but from what has been shown to us I beleive that Star is making some very important and relevant points that need to be listened to if any of us are in fact going to be able to forge something new and creative in the world.

We all unfortunatley live in a soundbite kind of world and feel the pull to rally to a symbolic gesture but real work in my opinion takes years maybe decades to truely unfold - we have to be very careful that the matrix we set for ourselves is in fact good for all, and is what we truly wish for - as in the adage "be careful what you wish for"

thank you Star for pointing out an underlying flaw to this call for action - and thank you Clare for your passion to the call itself. I think we have to be careful not to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" and work to craft a call that really does call to all of us
