Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Andre Sheldon
Date: Friday, July 7, 2006, 11:52 AM
Subject: Call to Women - Reply to Comments
ID: 253217

To Gather the Women: From Andre, a follow-up to my essay and the replies. July 7, 2006

I would like to convey my sincere gratitude for all of the responses to my essay, a “Call to Women.” I am very fortunate to be involved in the women's peace movement and am trying to do my small part, the best I know how. I sent the essay to many people and many list serves on July 4th, in an attempt to find people who would like to work on the project with me. The task of creating paradigm change is daunting, but I am not afraid to try to contribute. It may never happen. It may happen, but not in my lifetime.

There are huge obstacles to overcome. The world needs heroes. The world must see the power of non-violence. A new myth must be created. Who am I kidding? I am not going to be the one to mobilize all the women. But, I can try and spread the word. I can theorize and develop methods to accomplish the goal.

There will be all kinds of opposition to my theories and my methods. But that is good. Yes, thank you to Star and Clare, as Nadine MacGillivray wrote yesterday. Dialogue is required to find the common links between people and ideas. In the past two days, many people have requested more information. When they read the strategy, I expect there will be many people who will disapprove and disagree with parts of it, if not all. There will have to be much compromise and there-in lies the dilemma. How, when, and where is the compromise?

A “Call to Women” is set up as a strategy, or guideline, in which I have attempted to structure as a manager would. The strategy creates awareness, implements a coordinated plan to break into the powerful arena of politics, plans a transition phase of conflict resolution, and concludes with the implementation of humanitarian programs. Strong steps, in each phase, are recommended to influence the financial world and the media, all of which are male dominated.

My objective and the objective of the initiative are to break down barriers and build bridges. Mother Theresa said, “Peace begins with a smile,” and therefore, with her and this statement as my inspiration, I wrote a “Preamble” to open a corridor. Please see it at the bottom.

I had another purpose for sending out the essay. In phase one, leaders are required to come to the forefront of the movement to mobilize the masses. I have been networking with women leaders from around the world for three years to enlist them. All of the women see elements of usefulness, but everyone is busy with their own agenda. Understandably, they are not going to drop what they are doing and promote a “Call to Women.” However, I am convinced all that is needed is one dynamic woman leader, to do as I have been doing, promote a “Call to Women”, and enlist other influential women. The beginning is the most difficult. I am hoping to inspire other people, women and men, to assist me to find that one woman, along with the further development of “Call to Women”.

I am trying to think BIG! People power is needed. All of this is very idealistic. However, public opinion stopped the Vietnam War, so public opinion has pragmatic affects. The peace movement is up against incredible odds. In developing my essay, I included many references and quotes, from women and men, from every source possible. My intention was to exhibit where I got my inspiration and hope that others found inspiration from it too. No, I was not advocating joining the Baha’i faith. And yes, it is good to know the members of the House of Justice of the Baha’i are all men. Yes, it is good to question each others position, but we must find compromise.

I don’t have all the answers, but to combat male dominance, the largest foe of all, the mighty military lobby, the powerful economic and philosophical forces creating conflict around the world, and mobilize the masses, strong leaders are needed. Please send me your recommendations of world leaders who motivate and inspire and contact information.

Here are references to my findings:

Helen Caldicott, world peace activist, has verbally endorsed the first phase of my plan and said she would support it if others joined. I knew I was on the right track when Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, chair of Global Peace Initiative of Women said to me, “Helen Caldicott? If she is involved, I am involved.” Sally Field, at an Omega/ V Day conference, 9/1/04, said about following Eve Ensler, she would never come out alone to attempt to rally a crowd, but because Eve Ensler said she’d be there, she would join. The fact that a leader can motivate someone proves to me that a leader is necessary to lead the peace movement.

David Adams, from UNESCO(, said, “Quoting from the book on the culture of peace that I produced for UNESCO in 1995 (note 19): "The transformation of society from a culture of war to a culture of peace is perhaps more radical and far- reaching than any previous change in human history.” “Finally, the highest challenge to the new psychology is to help train leaders of the peace movement who have attained world-historic consciousness. As developed by Debs, DuBois, and King, such leadership overcomes sectarianism and unifies all anti-war constituencies into one great working force for peace. It knows the mood of the people. It can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of all political forces in a systemic and radical, not superficial, way. It organizes and broadens the political character of the movement to keep it in step with history. And today, unlike any time in the past, it must grasp and express the emerging vision of peace and give inspiration to the peace movement and the decisive struggles ahead.”

Letter from Howard Zinn 10-25-04

Dear Andre: Your "Call to Women" is excellent. Well written, clear, strong. No doubt women represent non-violence best. And there are wonderful women spokespersons around, like Sister Chittister and Arundhati Roy to bring the message to others. As for strikes and other militant actions, generally movements have to reach a certain point, when enough people are ready for that. Preparation comes in the form of petitions, picketlines, marches, demonstrations, buildinig up to boycotts and strikes. The process can start with a stirring call to action, but it has to be initiated by women, and then use the internet to spread the word, get tens of thousands of supporters. There's nothing wrong with your call. It's just a matter of finding the significant others to sign it and be willing to have it circulated widely. Best wishes, Howard

Thank you again, to all who have responded and stated your opinions. I believe there is good in everything. I want people to dissect my theories and strategy. I am not afraid of constructive criticism.

I am a man, a person, who believes society can change from a male- dominated society to a partnership society (cultural transformation theory from the Chalice and the Blade) and am dedicated to help bring awareness of the women’s movement.

Peace and Love, Andre Sheldon

Please see the following Preamble I have written for the initiative, a Call to Women. It is my first draft and will always be a living document, subject to review and change.

Preamble to a Call to Women

A Call to Women is a guideline to peace. First, we, the people of the world, must have peace within ourselves. If we have peace within ourselves, we can have peace in the world. Exhibiting peace within ourselves helps others to find peace. The path of a Call to Women is a pathway of leadership and teaching. The pathway is also about following and being a student for we are always learning. We are on this earth for a short period of time. While we are here, as cognizant and sentient beings, we will help others to learn to survive. Therefore the purpose of life is to experience life and to inform people what we have learned to make it easier for them.

A Call to Women is designed to illustrate a path of respect for all living organisms and an understanding of each circumstance of life being a reflection of how our own mind sees it. As the Buddhist teacher states: You can affect your action (karma). You can diminish your anger. Plant the seed and it will ripen. You can have control of thought (mindfulness) and you will exhibit action through your body, speech and mind.

A Call to Women follows the same basic tenets that religions and spiritual organizations have professed throughout time. A Call to Women is an exhibit of love. A Call to Women is empowerment. The strength comes knowing there is unity and nonviolence. A Call to Women includes everyone. There is strength in diversity.

We have learned that we are strong. Our inner peace, interconnected with others, world-wide, transcends all boundaries of nationalism, religion and ideology. We can cope with any hardship. There will be difficult days ahead, but we can survive. How do we survive? Knowing, no matter what, we will not go to war!

In a Call to Women, there is no judgment that women are better than men, no statement that women have all the answers, or are right or wrong, or are predicting the future. A Call to Women is a movement for all people, led by women as a statement that there is a different pathway desired for peace. A Call to Women does not proclaim it is the only method for peace, or the best path for peace. A Call to Women is a statement that we are not your enemy. Reflecting or meditating about peace will liberate us from our conditioned existence.

In a Call to Women, it is assumed women, as well as men, prefer peace and nonviolence. A Call to Women is a statement that women are promoting peace and nonviolence. A Call to Women is a guideline, not just for ourselves, but for others, especially “For the Children,” so that they may grow and prosper in a world of peace. Life is a path for happiness and the elimination of suffering. There is no judgment. Only love.

This pathway is a hope that people will see goodness in everything. We are on this earth to honor the beauty of life. A Call to Women is a healing with forgiveness and humility. There will be no revenge and no reparations. We are starting anew. Mother Theresa said, “Peace begins with a smile.” Mandela said, “I cannot forget, but I can forgive.”