Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Heather Dunfield
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2006, 9:33 PM
Subject: Reaction versus Truth and Meaning
Reply to: 256263
ID: 253836

Positionality is not Truth.

Having a position about something has an agenda, a point of view, an internal tightness, an investment in being right. When this occurs then someone else, something else is always wrong. Truth cannot be present in the midst of this kind of beingness. Truth cannot be present in the midst of patterned ways of being based on history, or the past. This will not change anything; it only sets up to be repreated what has already occurred. There is no way into Truth from any position.

Truth does not care about position, agenda, feelings, thoughts, or emotions. Truth just is. It stands on its own and needs no justification. It does not matter what the subject is. Truth is not wimpy; it has real backbone while being gentle, open, kind, and profoundly real.

What I have been reading recently in many of the open letters is close to ranting about issues based on the situational. Everything I have read is based in the personal where people emphatically state a position about something they want and think they need.

This orientation is not even close to what reality is based on, and it will only produce more of what people say they do not want.

I know what is real and how it works and will simply go my way quietly doing what I know best.