Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Kay Scott
Date: Monday, August 14, 2006, 9:10 AM
Subject: Encouragement for Women
Reply to: 256276
ID: 253848

Heather, the clarity of your message is elegant. Simple and elegant. Thank you for this, for the reminder of the transitory nature of all things, and for taking the time to reach out and contribute to this growing, forming group of folks. I'm so glad to be here. Kay

------ On 8/14/06, Heather Dunfield wrote ------

I'd like to say something briefly about my own story as a way of showing where one can arrive at and what is required for that to happen. It is also meant to be encouraging.

I have been a single mother of two daughters. I have been a care- giver for 7 years for an ill husband who died at age 55 from heart attacks and strokes (probably caused by his work in intelligence before I met him). I have also been a commuting Vice-President in a large corporation, homemaker and mother to his/our daughter. I lived in Beverly Hills for awhile and worked for an internationally known entertainer and spent time with people you have all heard of. I have worked for drug addicts, alcoholics and misanthropes. I never graduated from college but I have taught at a university. I taught myself to write at age 40 and then wrote a book.

I have also been spiritually destitute. It took all of this to realize that none of the above meant anything, and when I looked at my life honestly I always knew that.

Then I walked away from it all with almost no money and two teenagers in tow. What I did have was a commitment to and love of truth, meaning, honesty, kindness, openness and softness. I also had the willingness to learn and listen with discernment and discrimination. I did not believe anything that I was not certain was absolutely true.

After six years, I can now say I have become what I came here (this planet)to be. Of course, this is a never-ending process and will continue for eternity. As an awakened being, I am just beginning. I am only an ice cube on an iceberg, but I can see under the water into the deep of the other side. None of what I know and see is for me personally. There is nothing here for me to have or keep personally. It is only for where I came from, the Absolute. I have given my entire being to, have let go into, what I know is most profoundly true. There is nothing held back and I am centered in the Absolute, profound meaning. I am completely open and hold nothing away. In this, the Absolute is moving forward in my consciousness. It is so clean and clear, pristine really. I love It more than anything I have ever touched with my awareness. It actually is me, and I can now say I really know the meaning of "I Am". We are one seeing, one knowing, one love.

It is easy to be all this when we are quiet and still, and quite another to apply this under pressure. In the past two months I have experienced extraordinary shock, betrayal, pain and love and it all pierces equally. I have come to have no preference. I know I am now trustworthy as a being with my own life. And this is only the beginning.

I can see that this is where real authority and power lie. How it takes form in me remains to be seen, but it is cooking fast. I also know change that moves into outward form from this way of being has impact.

In love,
