Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Maryann Copson
Date: Monday, August 14, 2006, 9:19 AM
Subject: Who is paying for this forum on the internet?
Reply to: 256274
ID: 253849

Hi All,

I have not been following this lively discussion too closely but I just wanted to chime in on something ...

It is not men doing anything (intefering with women's business or whatever) that causes women to start fighting amonst themselves. Women ( everyone actually) do what they do and no one really "causes" anyone to do anything. Our actions are the result of our own choices.

Fighting / not fighting - who can say which is positive and which is negative - and is not really the important point. Let's not give all of our power to anyone who "causes" us to do anything. For me that is important.

If we choose to fight let's make it a conscious choice. If we choose to not fight let's make it a conscious choice.

I personally don't see disagreement - even strong and forceful disagreement - as fighting. I see disagreement as a route to a more expansive, enlighten and creative option/ possibility.

Love the energy. Take care.