Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Christina Maris
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2006, 2:39 PM
Subject: Harassment - and so it begins
ID: 253884

Well OKAY. Dreadful news, of course (and for me at least, not entirely unexpected), but at least now we know for sure where we are and who we're dealing with. When the women get serious... so do the men. The kid gloves come off. We push... they push back, quoting their god to support their superiority.

So now we have the measure of them, and... well, let's just say that they're... underequipped. As usual.

All of you "why can't we all just get along???" apologists out there - are you with us NOW? What will it take? Must they actually show up at your door and drag you off for you to understand WE MUST STAND TOGETHER, or they will pick us off one by one?

I have limited access to the internet, and can post only during the day, and have been crafting a long post to answer all the questions, issues, and private/public emails I've received since stepping out from the shadows on this web site last week. I was another day or two from finishing it... but now I'm wondering if it's worth it.

It's been my feeling for a couple of days now that the GTW site isn't for the likes of me. I can't make nice - I did it for the first third of my life and came to nothing but grief. I vowed I would never censor myself again. Now that the campaign of harassment has begun as a result of women speaking freely on this site, it's time for me to go.

Anyone who would like to continue to speak their mind off this site, via an email list (for starters - we'll see what else we can come up with in the near future), answer this post privately to me, and I'll put you on the list and we'll foment a little revolution outside the hearing of the people we didn't know were listening.

I'd like to make one more point before I leave (I can hear the sigh of relief from here - no blame, I understand): Women cannot compete physically with men. In that sense, biology IS destiny. We are for the most part smaller, and not as strong as men; in addition, we are sometimes pregnant, sometimes nursing children, and almost always caring for them. One to one, we will always lose; one man can usually overpower one woman. From time immemorium, women have banded together in order to create a safe space for themselves, the children, and all other beings in their care. It's the only way they can make rules that will stick. As long as there are women "out there" who will put up with their nonsense and submit to their demands, we will be forever divided among ourselves, and those of us not "making nice" will suffer. UNITED WE STAND. Those are serious words. Just because it isn't a problem FOR YOU, doesn't mean it ISN'T A PROBLEM. Think of the children - yours and other women's. Think of seven generations from now, and decide if keeping the peace is worth the price.

Remember Lysistrata (whose name means "disbander of armies," bless her soul forever): The (I think Spartan?) women got tired of the men killing each other in an endless series of wars. They all got together and declared that no woman would have sex with any man (even the nice, soft ones) until the war was over.

I think they called off the war in about another two weeks.

White Feather - my condolences. Consider yourself the Rosa Parks of this web site and KEEP YOUR SEAT, girl. Let's just change busses at the next depot.

Sisters - do not let fear keep you from speaking. Use whatever means are at your disposal - legal, spiritual, whatever - to keep yourself safe, but DO NOT BACK DOWN. That's what they're counting on. That's how they keep us down. That's how they've ALWAYS kept us down.

Blessings and love to you all (and I mean that) on this beautiful day.

Christina / Quanah'che Mawokee The Feathered Serpent Lodge