Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Karen Fiala
Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 6:02 PM
Subject: People Power is the way of the future.
Reply to: 257156
ID: 254677

Hi everyone,

As topical as the USA elections are, we have to realize that no matter who gets into power, they don't have many answers. If any political party actually had the solutions we would not be in the mess we're in today.

Regardless of which political figures we elect, they still have to toe the party line and since those political parties have ideologies and concepts which are influenced by who-ever gives them money, they cannot be 100% unbiased.

A good government may be made up of independent candidates who only want the best for their citizens, their country and their planet. Does this sound too idealistic? Right now it is.

So, how can we truly be democratic? Positive People Power is the answer. I am building a Global Network of Positive People who wish to work together to implement beneficial ideas and concepts which can be used by any community, in any country - for the betterment of the population.

Our organization is called AlterQuest and we are gathering anyone who would like to have the knowledge and put it into action. My book "AlterQuest - Shape the Future" offers hundreds of practical methods which are already being used in communities all over the world.

Ideas such as barter or LETS groups, local economies which offer a local form of currency so that more local people can be employed and the you know the 'local money' cannot be spirited away to a distant destination by multinational corporations. Local monetary systems are giving those who might not otherwise be able to earn in the 'real' world a chance to offer their skills and talents and be paid for these.

If you take any problem, you will ultimately find an answer - but the solution may require thinking outside the square. AlterQuest gives you amazing alternative answers which help address the issues of unemployment or 'under-employment, lack of money, poor quality food supply, energy,housing and more....

In my book I offer you many wonderful, inspiring methods which, if used in combination with a local AlterQuest People Power network, can truly make life better - without waiting for those 'in power' to get out of their 'ivory towers' and really see what six million people on this planet are putting up with.

AlterQuest stands for 'The Alternative Quest for Answers" and that's just what we give you.

I do hope the information I have been gathering and the system which has been formed out of this, make you realize that there is hope both for the present and the future... if only human beings unite and start to think for themselves!

Regards, Karen.

You can read a sample of the new AlterQuest book by going to…..

It’s published at