Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Joyce Skyfire Valenzano
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 2:22 PM
Subject: Yule thoughts
ID: 254909

Yule 2006

Fragmented and being played like fiddles we struggle against the 
whirlpool of mediocrity that is trying to suck the life out of us. 
Fearful leaders are puppets whose strings are manipulated by greed-
driven money changers. They stir the polluted waters of human 
consciousness via a media focused on selling shares and spots. And 
while most abhor the game, we still play. And sadly, many are still 
unaware that we possess the power to change the rules. Tired and 
angry, radiant and hopeful are the extremes to which we are pulled 
indicating that balance is the only safe harbor against the 

Guarded optimism and calculated risks are the tools of a dualistic 
reality and until we transcend that reality, it behooves us to make 
the most of where we stand and take a stand so as not to be sucked in 
to the cesspool of mediocrity being generated by those too fearful to 
embrace a new dawn. The old paradigm and the old order are dying and 
the adherents of the that ideology are feverishly working to prevent 
it's demise. But change is the only constant and those of us who are 
awake and aware know that, yet it is still a challenge to maintain 
balance while we labor to birth a new way. 

As the holidays approach there will be subtle shifts in the news. 
Just as gas prices dropped prior to the election (and have 
subsequently risen), the news stories will take on a more human-
interest tone as the holidays draw nearer. Good news makes for 
better moods and better moods mean heftier spending. I imagine the 
term "Black Friday" indicates a positive turn in revenue for the 
retail world, but it's a color devoid of substance, an implied 
absence, an emptiness that nags at our psyches as the appointed days 
threaten to descend. 

So, knowing this, why is it that we still participate? When we know 
a new order is forming, why do we still find ourselves sucked in to 
the energy created by fear and greed? Where are the holy days? Not 
the fervent pomp of organized religion and consumerism, but the heart-
felt celebrations of the progression of the seasons and the warmth of 
kindred spirits. As Autumn, the season of death, winds down and we 
move closer to Winter, the season that heralds the rebirth of light, 
it is my heart-felt wish that we each take a moment this year to 
shift at least one part of our collective consciousness towards 
embracing the joy we came here to experience. Let love and joy be 
the energy that lifts both Gaia, the living Earth, and Her children 
to a new dimension. 

In Joy, Health & Well-Being, I wish you glad tidings.

© 2006 Valenzano

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