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From: Deborah Singletary
Date: Monday, December 4, 2006, 8:49 PM
Subject: Full Moon Counsel
ID: 254994

Pick Up Your Bed and Walk (by Inez Singletary

Full Moon December 4, 2006 12 Gemini 43¡ä

When you are engaged in conflict, in wrestling with another through mental or verbal argument, gearing up for fight or flight at the very thought of them, there is one thing you can count on as being true. You can benefit from seeking a higher vantage point. You are seeking a higher level of operation. (Mercury conjunct Mars conjunct Jupiter.)

Gemini is the third house and the number three figures prominently in making the attitude adjustment (alchemy) we are herein attempting.

See the three as the points of an upright triangle. Our awareness is constructed upon this triangle. You may see yourself as the right point at the base of the triangle, and your goal or desire as the left point of the base of the triangle. When your desires are being met, you feel at ease with the left point. You experience a level of relaxation, a sweetness, peace. All is well.

When your desires are not being met, you are ill at ease. You may also be irritable, inclined to disagree, and angry. And the anger may turn into depression. You hunger and you thirst. You blame. Resolution depends on the action of the other.

The right point, you, is a unit; alone, accountable, responsible. The left point is dual. It is the object you pursue, and it is your subconscious, your well-being, your well of being. It is your magnetic point. It attracts more of what it sees.

It works something like this. Your teacher tells you that you have no talent. You are devastated. The teacher is the left point. For the rest of your life, you carry that teacher¡¯s proclamation around with you, and long after she has forgotten you, you have not forgotten her. Then any of your teacher figures (whoever plays that role for you¡ªa friend, a parent, even a child) awakens that wound. You expect or fear the knock down or the put down. And, thereby, you attract it. Or you think you do. Perhaps you interpret a silence as disapproval when actually it is speechless admiration.

And then you might argue that people always miss the point or beauty of your work or your actions. They always put you down. They always fail to give you credit. And what you see, though you see with a mote in your eye, is what you get.

That is how we undermine ourselves.

In the scenario of positive action on the part of the left point person, ¡°You have real talent, keep it up,¡± you can easily see how this might translate into confidence, the expectation of acceptance on the part of others, belief in yourself.

In either case, the teacher is the other and operates from the left point. And this point is the same as your subconscious, which may induce rest or unrest.

Back to the point of wrestling, of struggling, of being at odds and angry¡ªwhat will work every time is to rise.

This brings us to the third point of our triangle, the Eye of Providence. You ask this third point, which is the First Point, Unity, the One by whatever name, for a little of its perspective and if you are open, you will receive instruction on how to make a better outcome.

All you have to do is seek the higher way and persist. And you will find it.

Moon in Gemini - Emotional Information or Transcendent Information

The same left side, subconscious, that brings the critic¡¯s snare, brings the One¡¯s instruction. You must rise in order to receive the benefit of the One¡¯s perspective, the One that looks upon you and your opponent or problem from a central position that knows the medicine for you both.

You must rise if you are to see. You must pick up your bed and walk. You must stand up. You must take a stand. You must rise to the challenge. You must lifT yourself up. You must be all that you can be.

And all you have to do is ask. All you have to do is seek.

Sun in Sagittarius

This is where the rising comes in. In some forms of ageless wisdom, Sagittarius is associated with an angel who is the Voice of the Holy Guardian Angel. This guidance is constant, though it may be perceived only by the listening ear.

When we raise ourselves by asking for guidance conscious of the fact that there is a better way we set mediating forces in motion. We set ourselves up for a clearer, wider view.