Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Saturday, June 2, 2007, 11:43 AM
Subject: To The People - One Humanity
Reply to: 259754
ID: 257237

Just a small PS --

After I posted that last message, I wondered, "what quote was on that page when I sent the message?" So, I clicked "back" on my browser to see -- I hadn't noticed -- and the image at the top of the screen was this:

When I am talking about "science" -- and these ambitious arcane things like "the integration of knowledge" -- it is themes and statements like this image that are guiding me.

Oneness, one, center, tree, hierarchy -- these are algebraic concepts, directly relevant to the structure of knowledge, and intimately mapped to deepest mysticism. Through these kinds of images and intuitions, we are seeing through the glass darkly how our evolving "network" -- running at incredible horsepower levels through fiber optic cables everywhere -- and coordinated through global systems like Google, that interconnect as many as 450,000 simultaneous servers -- continues to converge towards a transcendent and integral form consistent with our deepest mystical instincts.

For now, these images are circulating in the back of our minds, looking for a way to coalesce -- into what would amount to a stunning new scientific conception of human knowledge and understanding.

In my own being -- I have no doubt that all of this is true, to the strictest and most realistic scientific and engineering standards. This can really work, in the real world. And I think it's going to happen.

Just for a quick reference on this, you might check the bibliography behind this claim --

This, too -- we are "breathing into" -- a potent and amazing transcendent integration of all human understanding. This is part of our moment, part of our potential, part of our drive toward "integral".