Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Beth Blevins
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2007, 9:56 PM
Subject: A Vision of Possibilities
ID: 257750

Hi All,

I want to share with you a vision I had back in March on the Vernal Equinox. May you find inspiration in it. It very much symbolizes the possibilities as we gather the women. We women truly are the wayshowers in this exciting time of planetary transformation and the re-awakening of the Feminine Principle of creation!

The Desert

I am among hundreds of women in a large tent whose loose flaps are rustled by a gentle breeze. There are several more tents with just as many women in each of them. There are a handful of men present inside, along the perimeter of each tent. We are in a desert area. The land is barren, dry, and hard packed. There is one small stream flowing a short distance from the tents. The sun is bright but not sweltering; coming through the tan tent, it casts a golden glow on everything. We are clothed in light, flowing garments, and some wear mantles. We sit upon carpets on the ground. We are holding a lively discussion of ideas. We have spent the day meditating, praying, singing, chanting, discussing, and listening to various speakers. We are many, but we are one. The illusion of separation is amazingly absent. It is merely a memory; we are intimately and sacredly part of the All That Is. There is much mental and heart energy swirling in this centered space.

As a group, we are suddenly drawn to the sides of the tent. We lift the f1aps and gaze out at the barren land and the ribbon of stream forcing a path through it. Suddenly, white cactus flowers begin popping up along each side of the stream! They appear one by one, springing up from the hard-packed earth where there had been nothing and continue to spread out from the stream. We are amazed! Then, bushes every shade of green sprout up between the flowers. Everywhere—-pop, pop, pop—-one after another! We can hardly believe our eyes as, next, slim tree trunks shoot straight up through the soil with branches leafing out into full maturity, bearing fruit, creating a canopy that filters the bright light of the sun.

We are in awe! What begins as a giggle grows into outright laughter. We know that we have created this with our thoughts and activities of the day, of the many days. It is a manifestation of our love and delight! We rush out of the tent into the shaded grove laughing, dancing, and falling into the arms of the women from the other tents. We are ecstatic! The grove extends everywhere. The shade feels wonderful. New life has begun!

Children come from nowhere and begin running delightedly through the grove. Their laughter thrills us! They jump to pull fruit from the trees, but they cannot reach it. Then the men come. They slowly enter the grove, looking around in amazement at what has been created. We come to welcome them, but stand together to block their way. We lovingly but firmly establish the law before we will let them pass. We tell them, "There is peace and harmony and abundance in this place. Anyone who lives here will honor and serve this creation. There will be no competition, only loving cooperation. There will be no building of permanent structures, no divisions of property." They seem stunned by it all. Some men readily agree and come forward. Others immediately turn their backs and leave the grove. They do not want this life. On other men's faces we see the struggle of the decision. Most of them come forward; some do not. Those who leave are blessed on their way. Those who come forward are embraced in welcome and laughter. They are joined with us. These men then reach for the children, hoisting them onto their shoulders so they may pick the fruit of the trees of creation.

Blessings, Beth Blevins, GTW Northbay (California) Regional Coordinator