Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Sunday, March 9, 2008, 6:19 PM
Subject: Msg from Karen Latvala at the Global Peace Initiative of Women
ID: 260008

Sat. morning. March 8, Jaipur, India

Hi everyone.

It was a long journey and I am happy to be in India at last! I arrived Wednesday morning, the conference opened Thursday afternoon and now it is Sat. morning here.

Picture about 450 people, mostly women, dressed in all sorts of colorful native costumes--from India, Africa, Buddhist monks and nuns, people from 45 countries--gathered under a HUGE and beautiful gold and white tent, here to create ways to make the world a better place. It's been quite an experience so far!

Yesterday's opening speakers and discussions were all about the role that feminine energy (carried by both men and women) can have in making this a better world. There were small discussion groups about Divine Feminine, Oneness, and Leadership. More about the conference in a future email.

Jaipur is hot and dry and spending all day yesterday in the tent made me realize just how hot it was! 90s I think. The hotel is air conditioned, modern, and very lovely. It's isolated from the city, our own little island, which has its advantages and disadvantages. There's a lovely pool and gardens where we've had some meals. ...

There are peacocks crowing all hours of the day and night, which makes it interesting when I wake up during the night. ...

Keep sending your love and good thoughts to us for the work we are doing! ...

Love and peace,


Karen Latvala, Certified Life Coach,,