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From: Karen Tate
Date: Monday, March 24, 2008, 10:45 AM
Subject: Reclaiming our Sexuality this Spring
ID: 260237

Hello Sisters,

Does this sound familiar? You work all day, fight traffic to get home, then you start your second job. Maybe you have an elderly parent to care for. You have to cook, wash clothes, make sure the kids have done their homework - and maybe if there's an ounce of energy left you collapse in front of the television and just rejoice in being able to take a breath for yourself. It's really hard to find the time to nurture yourself or find time to nurture your beloved and your relationship.

With Spring blossoming it seemed the perfect time to have two knowledgeable and fun women on Voices of the Sacred Feminine who can address this cycle we find ourselves in in our busy and stressful lives. Let's not wait any longer to hear what these women have to share to help and encourage us to call more abundance, ecstasy and bliss into our lives....

On March 5th, our guest was the lovely Francesca Gentile, Diva of Divine Relationships and co-author and associate editor of "The Marriage of Sex and Spirit" and host of the popular internet radio show, Sex: Tantra and Kama Sutra. Among the many hats she wears, Francesca is an initiated shaman, minister, sacred dancer, Priestess of Ishtar and transformative relationship coach. Listen to Francesca from our archives:

Click here to listen to ARCHIVES at your convenience:

This Wednesday, March 26, we have as our guest Linda Savage, author of Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality: The Power of the Feminine Way. Linda will discuss the Great Marriage Ceremony, sexual issues such as lack of desire and new pathways of emotional and spiritual discovery. Listen at 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern or at your convenience from our ARCHIVES.

To Listen LIVE Click here:

To Listen from the ARCHIVES Click here:

If you appreciate this kind of programming is reaching the airwaves, please help support the work: * Share it * Blog about it * Link to it * Enjoy it * And email us new show ideas for women and men related to the Sacred Feminine, whether that be deity, archetype or cultural, social or political phenomena!

-- All the best - Karen Tate

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