Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 12:37 PM
Subject: News: Women coming together, knowing our unity
ID: 262694


Women gathering is not a trivial action. It is a movement toward life itself, as we give ourselves the opportunity to grow and evolve more authentic relationships. And true and loving relationships are not only essential in these critical times, but also sweet respite and hope.

We are pleased to share with you the following summer happenings that call us into relationship, with ourselves, with each other, with the entire network of women arising... Notice how many ways women have found to gather... in person, on the Internet, in teleconferences, simultaneously in different localities, to meditate and pray, to grow, to inspire, to act...

Opportunities to gather in deep relationship:

  • GTW's web radio conversations this coming weekend, July 18-20, as GTW coordinators and friends gather in St. Cloud, Minnesota, to deepen relationships, gather our wisdom, and explore next steps.

  • Evolutionary Women's gathering in Baltimore, Maryland, "Freedom to be all that I am", Aug 15-17, co- creating an environment of trust to bring every woman's unique passion forward.

  • Telecall meditations with Vessels of Peace, every Sunday, transmitting peace and love to the planet.

  • Webcast and teleconference Women's Global Roundtable with PeacexPeace, every Tuesday, featuring dialogue with women around the world who are making a difference.

More details:

July 18-20. GTW's web radio conversation from St. Cloud, MN.

As GTW coordinators and friends gather in person, to reflect on past gatherings and future collaborations, we invite women to gather with us virtually, to call in and hear one another’s voices…as together we build awareness of what is being asked of women at this time on the planet.

We will be using an Internet radio connection for at least an hour each day, beginning as follows:
Fri July 18, 8 pm, PST;
Sat July 19, 8 pm, PST;
Sun July 20, 9:30 am, PST.
Go to, and click PLAY to listen to our daily excitement, and/or call in at 1-347-838-8753 to share your voice and perspective. We'll be waiting for your call!

Aug 15-17. Evolutionary Women’s gathering, "Freedom to be all that I am", in Baltimore, Maryland.

"Women all over the world are awakening to the desire to participate in what is emerging. In this weekend, we will look deeply into ourselves to free the qualities within us that are our unique contributions at this critical time. In a supportive and resonant environment of women, we will honor and expand our highest creative expressions to serve ourselves, our communities and the Whole. [See EvWomen flyer for more detail.]

Every Sunday. Vessels of Peace meditations for global peace.

"Our Sunday evening meditations strengthen our connection with Gaia/Earth and all her creatures. They are MORE than “just a meditation.” They serve as a vehicle to send love and peace wherever it is needed. Whether you visualize this connection as a net, a web or a prayer shawl, the image helps us see our planet as one entity." EVERY Sunday for a year (we began March 23, 2008). At 5pm PT/ 6pm MT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET for 45 minutes. No reservations necessary. Call number: 1-712-775-7000, pin: 408488#. See the July VoP Newsletter for more details.

Every Tuesday. PeacexPeace partners with UNIFEM in their Women's Global Roundtable webcast and teleconference.

"Join us each week as we celebrate the unsung “ordinary” women of the world and their extraordinary actions. Listen to their stories, learn about their challenges and triumphs, connect across cultures, and continue the conversation inside the Global Network." See more details at

Partner with GTW in the gathering:

  • Invite your own local circle to be part of GTW's Fall gatherings, Oct. 18; check out our interactive website and use GTW's "LightPages" to find others in your area. We offer many ideas about gathering at, including events, resources and sister organizations that may call or inspire you. Feel free to contact for more information or click here to see a list of GTW International Anchors and Regional Coordinators to connect with in your area.
    [Our sister organizations at and are other great resources.]
  • Become a GTW International Anchor or Regional Coordinator, and join the team of women empowering themselves into local leadership, while connecting globally. We offer Regional Coordinator community telecalls and GTW online networks for cities, regions and countries, connected into the Matrix, so that each group can be truly local AND global. To reach a real person about becoming a Coordinator, contact . To find out more about setting up a local GTW online community, contact
  • Check out GTW in your part of the world and become involved... GTW Canada, GTW Europe, GTW Australia, GTW Africa. [Look for the drop-down menu on the right side of the menu bar; and go to the relevant Bulletin Board to post a message.] Also check out the new website of our sister organization Peace x Peace at, featuring many ways to develop circle relationships with women across countries. Imagine the web of connectivity as women from developed and developing countries come into authentic relationship.

  • Check out or post your organization's events on GTW’s Global Calendar, to catalyze even more connections and relationships.

Blessings on us all as we continue to build our networks of authentic relationship, and negotiate these times TOGETHER!