Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Sharon Riegie Maynard
Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 9:47 AM
Subject: Change our World, more clarity
ID: 268804

Our greater Divine family is an extension/children of Light. Therefore, humanity’s true nature is all possibilities of our life force; Light. It includes love, compassion, joy, contribution, health, adventure, curiosity, balance, etc. We are not “worms”, lower than dust, cruel and greedy nor any of the other identities thrown upon us.

Chaos or fear in its many forms is not a natural part of our Divine nature. The frequency of fear is a false frequency, a “bent” vibration within our field of Light. This distorted energy strand creates duality. Because it is “bent” from Light, fear will respond and rebalance in the presence of Light.

What is critical to know is that there are “seeds” within our energy field that are neither love nor fear but a foreign essence. The nature of these seeds is usury in its many forms. Greed, abuse, cruelty, deceit, manipulation, misuse of power, disregard for humanity are some that we see. These “seeds” have parasitic natures and have attached to the energy fields of our human family. We have become the hosts.

It is easy for those in Spiritual bodies to identify these seeds. However, the law of this planet is that those in physical body suits are the ones that must ask for any change on Earth, therefore those not in physical bodies must wait until humanity asks.

Unfortunately, the majority of us have not known of these foreign seeds. We live in denial being told that there is only love or fear. The reptilians, shadow governments, aggressive, violent men, genocide are some of the expressions of these foreign “seeds”. Even those who have known of their presence could only share what they see or sense. Most do not know they now have the power to ask for their removal.

The male mission has been to keep our Earth filled with the hope that Light and Love brings. They were given the assignment to nurture humankind from the crown and heart chakra. That stewardship has been active for many years.

The female mission was to be energy workers. Their assignment was to discern the subtle fields and know when there is any indication that the foreign “seeds” are present. We were to taste for anything that would take away or constrict energy that happens in the presence of a parasitic expression.

Then, females were to speak from the wisdom of their solar plexus and ask for the removal of the “seed” and all of its outgrowth. The stewardship to lead humanity out of foreign webbings back into our natural state of Light was given to women. You as, a human being, can simply ask and those team members in Spiritual bodies will identify, neutralize and remove the seed cause of the evil among us. They will also transform, rebalance, upgrade and activate new codes for our evolution.

Each week, for the next six weeks beginning September 8th, I will send outreach in many ways with various statements to reclaim our Earth and with processes that can be used.

Our Earth and humanity will not burn on our watch!