Evolutionary Women

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From: Julie Heyman
Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 4:51 AM
Subject: Miracle for Karen
ID: 253615

Dear EW family,

Apparantly we are witness to the power of prayer and intention. Hanta virus is deadly, and I've learned that Karen went to the hospital many days into contracting it-- it can be fatal in just a few days.

The outpourings from her many circles,including many of us, were literally felt by her even as she was at the worst. We all have known about the power of prayer. But I feel that as we enter more each day into the expanding paradigm of heightened consciousness- - and utilize more of this heartfelt power of intentionality (which is part of what is making us so evolutionary)-- we can literally move mountains and quicken the Light. I invite everyone to find those causes that move us, and deepen and expand our power of prayer.Thank you and blessings all around, Julie

Here is an excerpt from a note sent from Karen's daughter last night:

"We are ELATED as things continue to move in the right direction. The doctors are really pleased with Karen's progress over the weekend and she got moved out of the ICU (intensive care unit) today into a "regular" hospital room - a huge indicator that we are out of the woods. She is only hooked up to one thing (v. about a dozen!), is able to walk around the room, has a ravenous appetite, and is slowly but surely on her way to a full recovery! One doctor this morning told her "you're a lucky lady" but my mom knows it's a much stronger force than luck at operation here - thank you so much for all your prayers and support."