Evolutionary Women

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From: Ann Swanberg
Date: Thursday, September 7, 2006, 3:08 PM
Subject: Animating and Navigating Our Alive Power
ID: 254166

Hello each of you Glorious Evolutionary Women!

I was so stirred at our gathering, very aware of holding the "physicality" piece...and all that that evoked in me. I have an invitation for those of you who want to truly animate your growing consciousness throughout your living body and powerfully navigate it on your behalf in all your "ordinary" moment-by-moment daily choices.

I'm facilitating a weekend women's life-improv workshop here by the ocean in Half Moon Bay, CA. at the end of October, focusing on integrating our inner feminine (animating) and inner masculine (navigating.) We'll collectively find and focus clarity in the fields of emotion, mind, sexuality, mind, spirit and body-relationship.

There are a few spaces left and I'm feeling to extend a "no money" policy (meaning if money is something you'd use to keep you from coming, I will happily work out an exchange with you) to all Evolutionary Women that I met last month. Because I/we need as many women as possible as free as possible as soon as possible!

If your Intuition says "Come" or "Contact her", I look forward to hearing with you this week.

Love & Brave New Actions, Ann

www.LifePlays.com -- "Being In-Possible"