Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2007, 6:39 AM
Subject: How has your life changed?
ID: 255817

Good morning wonderful Gaias!

I have been curious about how attending the Evolutionary Women Retreats changed your lives. I am encouraging you to take the time to share the process that has occurred in your lives since the Dec 2005 and/or August 2006 retreats.

When I attended the First retreat, I mailed a Xmas letter a few days before I boarded the plane in Baltimore. I wrote" I leave on Dec 1 to go to an Evolutionary Women retreat in Santa Barbara, CA. I don't know what I will do while I am there. All I know is I want to be an Evolutionary Woman!"

I have been an Evolutionary Woman all of my life, I just didn't know it until I came to the retreat. The decision to leave an abusive marriage in Sept 1987; the decision to homeschool my children in 1996; the decision to lead groups of young women in Girl Scouts and Destination Imagination teams 1996; the decision to encourage my daughters to express themselves and have strong, passionate opinions. All of these decisions came from a deep, inner passion to express my Evolutionary Woman Self!

After the first retreat, I spent 3- 4 hours reading every morning, looking for an answer to my longing. I joined James Twyman's 3-month Fast Track peace minister program in Feb 2006. Several months later, I was on a plane to Oregon to have an adventure and be ordained as a Peace minister. I planted a peace pole in my yard, built an Emissary Wheel with 40 people to honor the 1 year anniversary of my husband's death and led an Art of Spiritual Peacemaking group of nine women.

At the same time, I joined Gateway and connected with a core group of women in Maryland.

After the second retreat, I came home ready to sell the commercial property my husband used for his business. With each step, I am an Evolutionary Woman with this process. The East Coast Evolutionary Women Retreat came forward (April 13-15, 2007!), I won a free cruise where I connected with the peace and environmental projects with Shaklee, my Shaklee business is expanding and I am involved with a James Twyman event in Baltimore on March 26 www.64daysofpeace.org

I am excited to explore the next political process of electing a President and to be involved with helping that process evolve.

The list goes on and on. I am AWAKE!

Connecting with Evolutionary Women is sooooo important for me right now because, as I am sure you know, there are challenges that come along with these gifts. Knowing that we have this commonality of gifts and challenges is what propels us into the birth of a new planet. Some days the labor pains are so great, I don't know if I can go on and then a connection with an awake! Evolutionary Sister occurs and I get out of bed, put one foot in front of the other and go on...

Please share your process!

In gratitude and peace, Andrea