Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2007, 5:18 AM
Subject: Response to Julie
ID: 255952


This is so perfect for what I am experiencing with my participation in bringing forth the Evolutionary Women Retreat in Baltimore.

The process is so conscious. I talk with Lucky and Bonnie several times a week and e-mail in between. In the retreat details, we are processing everything that we are birthing-the egoic emotions, the fears, the doubts, the joys, the connections.

Last week I felt like someone had wrapped me tightly in plastic wrap and I had to find a way out to make it to the next process!! I feel the uncomfortableness of standing on the edge almost every day. But, still the call is so great, I get out of bed in the morning and I look for the next thing to step into.

Each individual in the core group in Baltimore, with Kim Prucha, Dotti Drumm, and Joanna Clark, is experiencing challenges as they enter the retreat through the birth canal. By answering the call, they are each processing things for the collective group of Evolutionary Women. It takes us out of our "comfort zones" as we step into the new vibration.

Baltimore is a template for future Evolutionary Women retreats around the country and the world. Each decision about the website, the advertising, calling out to Evolutionary Women, we are conscious. We are stepping into this new vibration.

And as each woman comes forth to attend the retreat, again we personally process the emotions that appear.

In 52 Codes of Self Evolution, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Carolyn Anderson say Put This Purpose First. In Revolutionary Agreements, Marion Head says #1- I agree to Live My Mission.

YES! I say YES! to the growing, expanding and moving into the new vibration. And as uncomfortable as that is sometimes, I know that I can not go back. Whatever I have to release, I will release.

In gratitude for each of you, Andrea