Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Monday, April 23, 2007, 5:34 AM
Subject: In gratitude
ID: 256912

Hello my dear sweet, powerful, peaceful, inspiring Evolutionary Women,

It has been an interesting week since the retreat in Baltimore. High winds created power outages and limited computer use. For four months, I spent every day conversing with Evolutionary Women and then...silence. The silence allowed me the time to integrate some of the many learnings.

The thought of each of you fills me with joyful gratitude. Each of you brought forth incredible, powerful energy and hope for the world. In my mind I play the conversations, I see the pictures of you, I feel the love that radiated from each of you. I wake up, go through my day, and go to sleep, thinking of you. And I feel the gratitude of you filling my thoughts, resonating in the field with me. Eternal gratitude.

I had an Evolutionary Woman week. On Monday, Lucky and I reflected on the weekend and talked about next steps. During our meeting, I received a call from my commercial real estate agent who told me I was being sued by the tenant I had evicted after a 20 month process. I was thrilled with the opportunity to stand in my power. And in the news there were many challenges and pain. And so the ambiguity continues. I AM AN EVOLUTIONARY WOMAN. I choose how I want to respond to life. I choose what I take from each experience. I see the light and the dark. I acknowledge what I see and then I focus on the Light. I focus on the new structures. I take action. I stay involved. I nurture my Evolutionary Woman Self. And I remember the Retreat and the energy we brought forth together.

I will stay awake with you, my sisters.

Loving you and our sacred process,
