Evolutionary Women

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From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2007, 10:28 AM
Subject: Lucky is moving
ID: 257671

Hi Evolutionary Women,

I'm in motion. Moving to the East. I'm relocating to Baltimore and will be there some time in August.

A big change for me. I'm very excited about my move. I will be near family, actually living with my sister for a bit. AND I'll be so very close to the Evolutionary Women in Baltimore.

Andrea, Bonnie and I will continue working together on EW, of course, with Bonnie holding the other coast and Evolutionary Women West.

Over the last year, I was in Baltimore more frequently, preparing for our wonderful event in April. I noticed that each time I landed in Baltimore, I felt roots grow out of my feet into the rich earth, planted, secure, blessed with the Mother . Also, I noticed that each time I got off the plane in Santa Barbara, wings grew on my back and I took off into the air and beyond. Both are me and I'm simply changing the concentration.

I love Santa Barbara. I was first here 40 years ago, a California college vacation trip in the summer of love. My friends and I stopped in SB and I was amazed at the beauty and culture. Then just a few years later 2 of my best friends moved to the area and I started visiting regularly. This will continue, my deep connection to this sweet, sweet city and accelerated energy vortex is unbreakable and we'll be doing EW events here with Barbara Hubbard.

Baltimore, for me, is grounding and nurturing and so comfortable. My family, my lifelong friends and now a budding EW community. I know the April retreat was the final bread crumb leading me to the door.

There are many good byes here. It's not easy to leave the community here, it has been my life for the last 9 years. We're having a Bon Voyage party on Sunday July 22 at Katherine Grace's Ranch if you are in the neighborhood I'll send you details.

I'm asking for your patience with any incompletes or missed communications of late. I am officially transitioning and doing my best. Please feel free to send reminders to me of what I miss .

I've decided to drive across the country, seeing and visiting and light weaving. I'll be leaving sometime after July 28 and will meander a little and arrive in Baltimore mid-August at the latest.

Here's my contact information which will be good through October, at least.

Cell Phone: 805-455-4011

Mailing: c/o Helfrich 1 St. John's Rd Baltimore, MD 21210

Send me positive thoughts of ease and grace as I pack, sell, drive and arrive. I'd love that.

Looking forward to seeing some of you soon and more of you in October at the Baltimore retreat.

I love you. Thanks for all your support and evolutionary consciousness.

oxoxo Lucky