Evolutionary Women

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From: Carolyn Anderson
Date: Thursday, July 12, 2007, 11:16 PM
Subject: Evolutionary Synthesis Teleclass with Barbara
ID: 257691

Dear Evolutionary Women,

Please join Barbara Hubbard and me in a series of teleclasses that will begin next Monday, July 16 at 5 p.m. PDT exploring The Evolutionary Synthesis, as we weave together a memetic code for the optimal future for humanity.

The Synthesis takes us through the transition to "the other side," the next turn on the spiral - our metamorphosis toward life ever- evolving.

Each month we will select key "memes" for meditation, exploration and incarnation as our own potential to evolve.

The teleclasses will be held on Monday nights from 5 - 6 p.m. PDT: July 16; August 13; September 17 and October 15.

We will culminate this process at the next gathering of the Communion of Evolutionary Souls at Mt. Calvary Monastery on November 13 - 15, 2007.

The cost for this series of classes is $75, made payable to the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. You can either mail your check to PO Box 4698, Santa Barbara, CA 93140 or call me at 805-967-8484 with your credit card information. Please indicate that your payment is for the Evolutionary Synthesis classes. Once you have enrolled, we will send you the phone number for the calls.

We hope that you will join us for the four teleclasses and for the gathering at Mt. Calvary in November.

Love and blessings,
Carolyn Anderson