Evolutionary Women

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From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Thursday, September 20, 2007, 10:53 AM
Subject: Evolutionary Women's Baltimore gathering
ID: 258529

Dear Evolutionary Women,

As we approach our next EvWomen gathering in Baltimore, October 5-7, CoCreative Leaders for the 21st Century, we'd like to invite us all to focus our attention there, and cocreate with those present, a field for the cocreative leadership that we all feel needs to emerge RIGHT NOW!

If you are still interested in coming, check out the details at the link above or at www.EvolutionaryWomen.org.

If you are planning to come and have received an invitation to fill out your LightPage for the gathering, please know that there are 4 questions being asked that may differ a bit from what you have entered before. This is the link again to write into your LightPage... www.lightpages.net/lp/welcome.cfm?login=463189 .

And ... if you want to send a message to this forum, we have updated EvWomen's LightPages. You can now login with your EMAIL ADDRESS (not your username) and your PASSWORD. Yay! See the detail below.

Do you feel the energy in the air? So much is happening and wanting to happen. The women are not only rising... they are converging. Thank you for all that you do.
Much love, Jeanie, Lucky, Bonnie, and Andrea