Evolutionary Women

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Thursday, September 20, 2007, 6:06 PM
Subject: Blissings Dear Ones
ID: 258534

Hello Everyone~ I thought I would touch base and touch hearts with you all. I have been very busy this Summer and it appears it will be just as busy this Fall. I really wanted to make it back to Maryland for the new co-creative retreat. What wonderful speakers you will have. However, I have been on the East Coast two weeks already for work this month and just returned from Maimi.

Unless, I have to be there for work anyway. I will probably for go another trip. Been having some health issues and I have been having tests done etc. This is all for my own good and will hopefully be preventive;). However, it requires time and physical location to be here. I will be there in thought and my heart will sing with each of you as you Blossum.

My Goddess Retreats have been going well. First Contact has grown to gifting Women with Reiki so they can heal themselves and others.

I feel this year will be a year of many large steps and I can't wait to see where the path leads me. I am sure that sometime my path will cross yours again. Maybe in California this time, the weather is quite beautiful right now.

A Special Note to Ms. Lucky, I hope you are getting settled in and all of your dreams are being answered. We sure Miss your energy here on the Left Coast. You have just inspired us to step up to the plate.

Bonnie and Andrea, Great work as always.....I will be thinking of you during your wonderful retreat;). Till we meet again next time.

Jean, I look forward to meeting you one of these days.

To the rest of you, May the Divine Feminine Co-Create along side of you and inspire your thoughts and ambitions greater then you ever DREAMED POSSIBLE! Nothing is too big.

Blissings from my heat to yours,