Evolutionary Women

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From: Laura Mack
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 6:32 PM
Subject: Blessings from British Columbia
ID: 258591

As all of you amazing Evolutionary Women prepare to gather next weekend, our Women of Vision and Passion group send you greetings, and blessings on your retreat.

We hold you in the light, that you may find heartfelt connections, inspiration and energy to take that next step and faith in yourself and in others that changes within and without can be made.

It is up to us - the women, to lead the changes that need to happen on our planet.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to gather....and for those of you who are not able to travel to be with the Evolutionary Women in retreat this fall - I send you blessings as well. I pray that you have community that sustains you as you DO all that you are called to Do, and trust that you will find time to BE. Just BE.

Much love from Laura Mack and Renate Geier and our Women of Vision and Passion team: Kelly Kennedy, Helen Tomei, Starr Muranko and Brenda Chaddock
