Evolutionary Women

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From: Sylvia Hayward-Harris
Date: Monday, October 8, 2007, 12:19 PM
Subject: What is an Evolutionary Woman?
Reply to: 261195
ID: 258663

Hello All Truly a magical time this weekend! Anita, please note that I was not able to access any of your links. Got error messages.

I will try posting my pictures soon. I am still trying to settle back in from being in two different places within less that a week. Talk soon Syl

---- On Mon, Oct 8, 2007, Anita Pathik Law wrote ---

Hello Dear Magical Ones!

What a fabulous weekend! On our way home from the retreat, Anna, (my little evolutionary teen) asked me, while she had the video tape running, "Mom, what is an evolutionary woman?" I have posted the video response at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw-r1xu1zOI

Please visit http://www.youtube.com/daredreamerpres to view all of my videos, including "The Fight for Faith" videos and Divinity Movie!

I also posted a few of the pictures from this weekend at http://powerofourway.blogs.com

Love, Light and Eternal Blessings, Anita
