Evolutionary Women

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From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 8:19 PM
Subject: Ripples in and out from this weekend
ID: 258677

Dear Anita, Sylvia, Pauline, Sarah, and EVERYONE!

Bonnie and I are sitting together at Lucky's house in Baltimore, feeling the energy from everyone's postings... the flow of the river continuing... how "lucky" can we get!

We love how Anita and Anna took the cocreation "on the road" [big smiles]. I've been to Washington DC, New York and back to Baltimore since Sunday, "on the track" (Amtrak) of more collaboration, while Bonnie, Lucky and Andrea have been "taking next steps" for Evolutionary Women.

All this moving around on the outside is surely reflecting what is going on inside... (Syl and Pauline, we can't wait to hear more when your inner threads and outer travel come together!).

And Sarah, YAY! you can feel the transmission!!! This field is sub substantiating!!!

We are One!
Much love, Jeanie

P.S. Bonnie wants to convey from Lucky that right in this moment, the new moon is starting. The weather here is completely reversing from hot to cool and rainy. The seasons are shifting as we're sending this email.