Evolutionary Women

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From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2008, 7:22 PM
Subject: Let's Write a Book Together
ID: 259452

Calling our Evolutionary Women:

You are invited to Write a Book with us.

That’s right. At the October, 2007 EW retreat in Baltimore, a book was born. A core group has spent the last few months preparing for this launch and now we’re ready. Here’s the story.

During the retreat, one of the women, Karen Porter, was enthusiastically moved to say “We should write An Evolutionary Woman’s Guide to Life!” and conveniently enough, another woman, Christine Kloser, stood up and said, “I’m a publisher and I’ll publish it!” Wild Applause!!!!

Since then, Karen, Andrea, Bonnie, Lucky and Christine have been working out the details. The biggest one is that it will be written by YOU.

The name of the book: Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman’s Guide to Life.

It will be a book of writings from Evolutionary Women. There will be 40 entries in 5 subject areas. Every woman who has attended an Evolutionary Women retreat is invited to submit a 1500 word piece.

We are having a teleconference about the book on January 22, (details below). If you can’t make the call you will be able to listen to a recording of the call. We will have another teleconference on January 29th for more discussion and clarification.

A very brief overview of the process:

January: Informational teleconferences

February: All interested writers will submit a 250 word summary of their article, due 2/22.

Support teleconferences for potential writers

March: Writers selected and 1500 word articles due by April 30.

Support teleconferences continue

April: 1500 word article due 4/30.

May-June: Editing, formatting etc.

Fall: Publishing Date

Call Details:

Due to scheduling restrictions, we needed to have this call in the afternoon. We'll do other calls later in the day. Listen to the Playback (number below call #) anytime after 7PM ET on the 22nd.

EW Book Information Call:

Tuesday Jan. 22 4PM ET/ 1PM PT

(616) 597-8000 PIN Access code: 369669 #

Playback available after 7PM ET 1/22: (641) 715-3443 Access Code: 369669#

We'd love to know who's interested so let us know by responding to this email, but that's not required to be on the call. And come to or listen to the conference call even if you aren't sure you want to participate. There will be lots more communication about this. We are looking forward to having fun with this and cocreating with you.

Happy New Year, Dear Sisters. Much love and Light to you.

Andrea, Bonnie, Christine, Karen and Lucky