Evolutionary Women

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 9:37 PM
Subject: Follow up regarding the Conference call
ID: 259523

Greetings inspired ones~ I was unable to attend today's conference call live. However, I did tune in upon my return home from work. What a welcome shift from the days business to the warm hearts gathered around.

I would first like to offer my cheer leading support to Bonnie. I have always been grateful for your support and you gentle, loving nudge along the way. I will stay awake with you on this endeavor.

Second I will await additional information from Lucky with open arms and more importantly an open heart.

When I reflected on the task that we are about to embark upon I had a thought I would like to share. I thought of February being right around the corner, another year picking up speed. I thought of Valentines Day. I thought of these two things together .......a need to share love and at a excelerated speed. So I challenged myself to act on all that love that is inside. To act without haste and inspire other women, share myself, my story, my heart and connect as one.

No matter what the path holds the journey will be spent in joyess company.

No telling what a great pair of Evoultionary Women can Co-create. How about 250 of them:) Now that is something to behold!
