Evolutionary Women

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From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 8:59 AM
Subject: Great Call Last Night
ID: 259528

What a great call last night. It was good to hear so many EWs from all over the country on the call . We heard from Christine Kloser, President of Love Your Life Publishing and an EW, everything we need to know about the process of publishing an anthology like ours: Conscious Choices, An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life.

Five Great Reasons to write a Chapter (1500 words)

1. Share yourself and your story with women waiting to hear it.

2. Share the message of Evolutionary Women and their important role on the Planet now.

3. Promote your business, message, mission, favorite cause in the bio at the end of your chapter.

4. Be part of an amazing cocreative process.

5. BE a PUBLISHED AUTHOR and add that to your resume.

We have all kinds of support available for anyone who: doesn't know what to write, doesn't think they can write, needs help with the how to's etc. Just ask, come on the 1/29 or stay tuned to LightPages.

To hear the recording of the 1/22 call (641) 715-3443 Access Code: 369669#

NEXT CALL for information and Q and A is January 29 at 8PM ET and 5PM PT

The phone number for the 1/29 call is: (616) 597-8000 Access Code: 369669#

There will be a lot of information coming in the this Start UP phase of the project so keep your eyes open for it.

We are all excited to have this fun work to do together.

For the Book Core Group

I will stay awake with you,

ox Lucky