Evolutionary Women

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From: Sharon Duga-Kamens
Date: Friday, July 18, 2008, 1:48 PM
Subject: Tujunga Memories
Reply to: 265301
ID: 262738

Interesting memories written triggered some of mine growing up in Tujunga.

I remember catching my hair in the wringer of the washing machine, no scars to show for it. I used to hang up the laundry on a clothes line that was directly over a red ant colony. It made for some fancy foot work and bit toes if I didn't move fast enough.

In my younger years at Plainview all the kids on our dead end street layed baseball or other games in the street until dinner time.

I remember my sewing class. I made a lime green apron which I never wore and a white dress with no shape. I wore the white dress a couple of times and then it mysteriously disappeared. I think my mother didn't like it much. I have never used a sewing machine since then.

My first memory of Mrs. Harvy was when, as a sixth grader, we were on a tour of VHHS. The woman leading the group kept saying Mrs. Harvy this or Mrs. Harvy that and I wondered who that person was. Turned out that the person leading the tour WAS Mrs. Harvy. Until then I had never encountered anyone who spoke about themselves in the second person.

Keep those fun memories coming.

Sharon W'58