Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Sunday, November 8, 2009, 4:53 AM
Subject: In alignment with my dream
ID: 269170

Good morning dear Sisters,

I was going to send this message to the authors of Conscious Choices, but every time I clicked on that it took me back to the main Evolutionary Women list. So, here I am, sharing the words that are asking to be spoken and shared with this larger group. I am here.

It was only four years ago, that I was listening to the 7 DVDs of the Gateway to Conscious Evolution by Barbara Marx Hubbard for the first time. I had ordered the DVDs because I was coming to the first Evolutionary Woman retreat (co-founded by Lucky Sweeny and Bonnie Kelley) in Santa Barbara, CA and I wanted to awaken my consciousness to the words and the language of conscious evolution. I played the DVDs over and over in the background of my life. I wanted to remember. I wanted to be an Evolutionary Woman.

My husband died in July 2005. My older two daughters were preparing to leave the nest and I was completing the homeschooling of my youngest daughter, Hannah. She was 12 years old when I boarded a plane to California to prepare for the next wave of my life.

Since that time I became the catalyst for Evolutionary Women to come to the East Coast and offer retreats and programs. I became a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking in the Beloved Community of James Twyman. I co-authored and midwifed the book Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life and I attended 70 Jonas Brothers concerts with my daughter, Hannah. (45 of the concerts were in 11 weeks during the summer of 2009. I drove 24,000 miles.)

For some reason this morning, I was led to the portion of LightPages where I wrote my dream a year ago. I forgot that I had written this. I didn't even know what it meant at the time. It just flowed through me. It is beginning to make more sense to me now.

Here is the dream: My dream is to live a bi-coastal life as a speaker and writer supporting women in life transitions to emerge into more and more of who they are in their true essence. I also have a dream to travel and work with the Jonas Brothers and their organization and travel around the world with my daughter, working for them and writing and connecting with teenagers and their mothers.


Since Jan 2009, I have been releasing an 11 room house and everything in it. All of my possessions and physical memorabilia are in a 10 x 10 storage space. I go to settlement on Nov 16. Over the next month, Hannah and I are flying to London for a few Jonas Brothers concerts, and living with a friend in Baltimore for a few weeks.

On Dec 12, Hannah and I are driving to the West Coast, spending the holidays with my daughter, Liz in Arizona and then headed to Los Angeles. Hannah and I are going to spend a few months living in hostels, with friends, house sitting and taking the time to explore different parts of the city of Los Angeles. I plan on attending events and services at Agape.

We will finish writing the book we started this summer. Hannah will get her GED so she can focus on her next steps in life. She is 16 years old now.

This year has been about releasing everything. Home, community, stuff, and opening to the inspiration of living life. Lighter, freer and ready to go wherever I am called.

At 53, I feel my life is just beginning...