Evolutionary Women

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From: Carol Aubrey
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 4:54 PM
Subject: BMH Health Report
Reply to: 269349
ID: 269353


Thank you so much for letting us know about Barbara, and also thanks to Connie for setting up that website. It is much appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Carol in Santa Fe

--- On Tue, Nov 24, 2009, in msg269349, Lucky Sweeny wrote ---

Hello Evolutionary Women,

Our Beloved Barbara Marx Hubbard has been ill. She was successfully operated on yesterday for a small bowel obstruction and is recovering in Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles.

Below is a website that Connie Eberhart, who has been with Barbara since she started having pains last week, created with details and to keep all updated.

Bonnie spent some time with Barbara Sunday and reported she was in good spirits.

I'm so grateful for Connie's good work with B. in person and keeping us updated.

Lots of Love,


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