Evolutionary Women

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From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Friday, December 11, 2009, 9:35 AM
Subject: Solstice Sharing Conference Call
ID: 269431

A Solstice Circle of Evolutionary Women

You are invited to a sharing with other EWs

Tuesday December 15

6PM PT/ 9PM ET 1 hour

Conference Call line: 218-862-1300

Access #: 907678

Please Join us for a Sharing of our thoughts and feelings, here at the end and the beginning of years. We'll have a little meditataion and check-in and sharing. Sage Knight will facilitate us in our conversation.

We'd love to hear your voices and your essence. Last month we had a call and it was so nice to be in touch that we've decided to have a call once a month for sharing. We all know we live in a remarkable time, this is an opportunity to hear how it looks from our many views around North America.

We hope you can make next week, if not keep your eyes open for the next call in January.

We send blessings of Peace and Joy and Abundance for all in 2010

We love you so very much

Bonnie and Lucky