Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 8:21 AM
Subject: The Next Top Spiritual Author Contest
ID: 269924

Hello beautiful, powerful, amazing women!

I have entered a contest called The Next Top Spiritual Author contest. I would like to gather the names of all of the women on Evolutionary Women, Gather the Women and Vessels of Peace who have entered the contest and post them in one link. Please e-mail your name, book title and voting link to AHylen@mac.com. I will gather them and e-mail them on one list every week during the voting Rounds of the contest.

The contest is with James Twyman, Hampton Roads Publishing and Robert Evans. The winner will have their book published and a monetary promotional package. We are currently in Round 1. 75% of the scoring to advance to Round 2 is votes. We need your vote. 250 authors will advance to Round 2. So, it is very easy to support many authors. One vote per author in Round 1. Vote for as many authors as you would like. Voting ends on May 3 for Round 1.

I am inspired by the authors who have entered this contest. I am inspired by the heart-felt calling of 3000 people who have entered the contest with gratitude, humility and a deep passion to share a message that has the potential to make a difference in someone's life. To make a difference in many lives.

And more than any other time in my life, I really, really, really, understand the concept of the different energy we each carry and how we are all needed to express ideas and allow this to flow through us.

In the last week, I have watched videos, listened to audios, read the book descriptions and voted for about 40 authors in the contest. Here is one important thing I want to share with you.

We all matter. Our words, energy and inspiration matter. We each carry a uniqueness, even when we say the same words.

I know that I will not connect with every author's energy and message. When I started to view the videos and listen to the audios, I decided to look at each one with a deeper perspective and to see the unique expression of each author. I thought about how each of us can touch the life of someone. I thought about the people in my life who would connect with the different energies being presented. I closed my eyes and felt the love and energy from the person.

If you are in the contest, send me your link. I will send an e-mail every Sunday with the updated list and links. If you are interested in voting, go to the website and register to vote. Then view a video and Vote. My link is listed below. You can start there and if inspired by the video- Vote!

I would love if you would vote for me. Here is the link to my video: http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=49

In gratitude,
