Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Sunday, April 11, 2010, 9:55 AM
Subject: The Next Top Spiritual Author Contest- Please vote!
ID: 269932

Dear Evolutionary Women, Vessels of Peace and Gather the Women,

Here is the first list of women who have contacted me. These are the women in our community who have entered the Next Top Spiritual Author contest with Hampton Roads Publishing, James Twyman and Robert Evans. There is a wave of 3000 spiritual authors who have entered the contest and have presented their message in a video or audio in the world.

It is another example of the acceleration and the importance for all of us to share who we are. We all have a voice. Each of us matters. It is time to share this in the world and increase our presence.

I will send an updated list with links every week for the next few weeks. Voting for Round 1 ends on May 3. You can vote once per author. AND, you may vote for as many authors as you desire. 250 authors out of 3000 will go onto Round 2. We need your vote and are asking you to spread the word to other people in your networks on Facebook, Twitter and personal, business and spiritual e-mail lists.

If you are in the contest, and I do not have your link- contact me AHylen@mac.com to get on the weekly list.

1. Author: Tamara Heri Title: Transcending the Bottom Line Subtitle: Creating a Spiritual Work Ethic Link: http://www.nexttopauthor.com/?aid=2411

2. Author: Margaret Adams Title: Messages of Love Subtitle: My Spiritual Experiences Link: http://www.nexttopauthor.com/?aid=206

3. Author: Gina Villa-Grimsby

Title: The Optimystic Ride

Subtitle: How To Overcome Life's Challenges and Create Your Be Optimystic Plan

Link: http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=91

4. Author: Debbie Overberg Title: The Golden Yolk Subtitle: Tools to Transmute Energies Link: http://www.nexttopauthor.com/?aid=2159

5. Author: Andrea Hylen Title: Open to Inspiration: Subtitle: The summer a woman discovered herself with a teenage daughter and the Jonas Brothers on a 10,000 mile road trip Link: http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=49

Thanks so much for supporting the voices of women called to share their gifts