Evolutionary Women

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From: Bonnie Kelley
Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 12:57 PM
Subject: Thanks Dear Evolutionary Sisters
Reply to: 270213
ID: 270492

PRECIOUS ONES.... Infinite thanks to all of you who wondered how I was doing a couple of weeks ago when the email debacle appeared--out of the wild blue yonder. All is well now, order is restored. As usual when odd events occur it really shook me up hugely -- then in time I shfited to higher ground where I could see some new angles I needed to be open to. I kept the email address because so many contacts have that one-- but I changed my password and it appears to be SAFE again. I feel deeply connected to all of you ... please feel me tuning in. In awe, reverence and gratitude. Bonnie

--- On Fri, Jun 18, 2010, in msg270213, Marilyn Tedeschi wrote ---

I recieved the email and thought--this is not Bonnie's writing. she must be in trouble. I must respond. I emailed her and called immediately. It is always a delight to be able to assist an evolutionary sister. So glad to hear she was okay and not in trouble. I love you ALL! Isn't it reassuring to know how fast support can be on it's way? xxmarilyn tedeschi
