Evolutionary Women

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From: Bonnie Kelley
Date: Thursday, August 19, 2010, 10:32 PM
Subject: From Bonnie Kelley's heart... please read
ID: 270669

Dear Sisters,

I am jumping in to announce our new film, The Heart to Lead, Women as Allies for the Greater Good.. It is so relevant right now, and I need your evolutionary help!!

As Lucky and Jeanie shared earlier (click here), I know that your gifts along the way have contributed to birthing this documentary. (Seven of you are even IN the film!) Please tune into my profound gratitude... I have experienced each of you as Resonant Beings, and it is from this foundation that Cheryl and I offer the film into our collective. We really know that as you receive and anchor the film, it will find its right place in the evolving field of feminine unity.

Here's what to do, if you can. Please go to www.imaginethegood.com and view the compelling 90 second trailer. You'll love it. Then-- taking a breath-- purchase a DVD for yourself, and immediately download your complimentary 103 page companion guidebook (The Guide to Heart-Knowing). Invite a friend or many friends to watch it with you, and circle energy back into the film by sending your feedback and/or information about your own projects to LightPages or me. The film will carry your offerings out to where they are needed, like the tail of a comet sprinkling light across the sky!!!

Words women are already saying about this film: HONEST, EMPOWERING, INSPIRING, NECESSARY, TRANSPARENT, BRILLIANT, JOYFUL, TRUTH, GROWTH, A GIFT, UNIFYING, FEMININE UNITY... and on and on. With your co-creative partnership building an energy flow pattern, an evolutionary vortex, this film will be able to do its job of bringing women's voices and forms into visibility... so we can all do our parts in co-creating the new culture that is needed NOW!

In awe and huge love, Bonnie Kelley

P.S. We are very proud of the formal email blast we sent last week... please take a look HERE