Evolutionary Women

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From: Pamela Mosley
Date: Friday, September 10, 2010, 9:21 AM
Subject: The Heart to Lead
ID: 270785

Yes!  My heart is leading me to post what a deeply resonant and appreciative experience I just had witnessing my sisters sharing their soul!

What a beautiful new film, "The Heart to Lead: Women as Allies for the Greater Good."  Yes, Yes, Yes!  Thank you to all the sisters who've been dedicating themselves to bringing forth the messages in this way.  The film radiates and reaches out and reflects back the Truth of ourselves and the power we tap into together. 

"We're wired to create heaven on earth" states one woman.  Yes!  And check this out: "Women will do their best when they are deeply self-nurturing and living the truth of their life and the thing that gives bliss to them ... then they're serving fully and completely."  The sights and sounds throughout this 45-minute experience are magnetic.

I'm looking forward to sharing this film at the next New Moon Women's Gathering here.  With the downloadable guidebook!  I highly recommend it...women are ready for this NOW.****


Blessings, love, & great thanks to my sister allies ~~~
