Evolutionary Women

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From: Bonnie Kelley
Date: Friday, September 17, 2010, 12:15 PM
Subject: The Birthing Process and an Interactive E-Book Club emerged
Reply to: 270817
ID: 270818

ANDREA.. Reading this is like being a kid and creeping down before Xmas morning to see the array of mystery. Knowing you're not supposed to see it all yet but wanting to at least get a glimpse. Bless your heart for your infinite courage to do this emergence evolutionary work for yourself and our feminine collective. The morphic field of women is clapping their hands and singing with joy to have you be one of our visible warriors... Warriors for love, trust, mutuality, innocence, wonder, bravery and the list is ENDLESS. Thank you Andrea. I love you. I love us... us as evolutionary women. Bowing a million times. Namaste. Bonnie Kelley

--- On Fri, Sep 17, 2010, in msg270817, Andrea Hylen wrote ---

Good morning, dear sisters,

From the time I officially put my house on the market and signed on the dotted line to complete the process it was nine months. Then, I prepared to move from Maryland to California. It has been 9 months since I signed on the dotted line.

I am fascinated by the reflection of this and it reminds me to honor the birthing process and to honor the caterpillar entering the chrysalis waiting to emerge as the butterfly once again.

I have spent so much time releasing this year. There have been times I have pushed myself to connect with people and to move the process along. Imagine the butterfly trying to emerge when it is still a soupy mess and the imaginal cells are just beginning to awaken. That has been my process. Trying to emerge when it wasn't time.

When I told people I was moving to California and this would be a year long process, I didn't really believe it in my heart. I thought I would arrive in California and the answers would be here. I thought I would know the steps to take to build a business, create a financial future. I have experienced so much on this journey. I will be writing another post soon to share some of the experiences of being a 50 year old woman with incredible experience who has no "resume" and can not be a qualified candidate for a job.

I thought releasing all of my personal belongings, my house, moving away from my community and removing every role that kept me anchored to the Earth in Maryland would prepare me for the next part of my life. And still when I arrived in California there was more to release. I know that the experiences are leading me to something. I know that my connection to my inner voice, my connection to Source is stronger. I continue to dig down into the core of my Being to discover, to experience, to marinate and to trust that all of life is here to teach me.

Even in the process of entering the Next Top Spiritual Author contest, it became a rich experience and then it was time to release it. My MacBook crashed with the document locked inside. I scrambled to recreate it and the aliveness went flat. I did not advance to Round 3 of the contest, but retreated into my heart to discover more. Out of that experience I birthed ten articles about Transforming Grief and submitted them on ezinearticles.com. I discovered more of my gifts and began to write the book from a deeper place.

I am grateful for my dear communities of women who have loved me, held me in their hearts and accepted my need to be silent and alone even when they didn't understand why. I didn't understand why! My sister has been the sand paper in my life sending me notes of anger and hurt and worry. Why couldn't I talk on the phone? She doesn't accept or understand that I am on a journey and it is time to hear my own voice again. She does not want me to change. And I have learned from my inner reaction to this. She has provided me with a rich opportunity to define my boundaries and my own fears and doubts.

I know that many of you are experiencing this for yourselves. A willingness to shed more and more of who you thought you were to discover the truth of who you are.

I have more to share and will return here to express myself and listen to you. Please share your discoveries, where you are in the process of emergence, the process of your call to conscious evolution.

I will share one last piece for now.

I walked on the beach before attending the Call to Conscious Evolution at UCLA. An idea was bubbling in me that day and the pieces burst forth within a few days. I have created an Interactive E-book club. I know I told you about the summer I traveled 10,000 miles to help my daughter heal her grief. That summer was preparation for the next summer. I drove 24,000 miles in 11 weeks to go to 45 Jonas Brothers concerts. It was a heros journey. I felt a deep inner calling to do this and I resisted, struggled and experienced breakthroughs. I was pushed past my limits physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

The ideas bursting forth for the club continue. In the next year I will write 3 E-books and share them with the book club 10 chapters at a time. The first chapters will be released on Sept 22 and every month on the 22nd. The field I am creating is a field of emergence. I call it An Evolutionary Woman's Journey Series. (This name came to me in the mountains of Arizona in 2008) I have created a Facebook page for anyone to join.

Every month I will e-mail 10 chapters to share the journey with reflective questions in the back of each chapter. My intention is for each woman (or man) to discover their own inner journey. My journey will contain elements that people are experiencing. As they read it, their own stories will emerge.

As women are joining the club, I see several themes emerging. A desire to transform grief to experience more joy, to write their own stories and a field of infinite possibilities is building.

I have created three videos explaining the concept, the membership details, and the advertising opportunities (women ages 22-60 have signed up so far, men are welcome to join.) It $22 for the entire year. The video links are below and a few excerpts from the book. There will be some "concert sections" because i would like to "call in" Jonas Brothers fans who are teenagers and women in their early 20's. But...this in not a book about the Jonas Brothers!

I invite you to watch the videos to see if this speaks to you to join for yourself or you know someone who would like to enter into this field of infinite possibilities. If you are called to join me go to http://opentoinspiration.com/, Click on E-book club and click on the Paypal button.

Intro video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcV6pf8PUbo

Membership details: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0aGIwXZ5zo&feature=related

Advertising/Sponsors: http://www.youtube.com/user/OpentoInspiration#p/a/u/0/G3e7tLvTJeo (there is a mistake in the video describing the 3rd and 4th level) The written categories can be viewed at this link. http://www.livealifeworthcelebrating.com/Open_to_Inspiration/Advertising_in_E-book.html

If you want to read some of the pieces in the book, I have copied them below.

Thanks for reading and holding a space for me.

Book excerpt:

Here are some of the lines from the book- Part 1:

Here are some of the quotes from the Part 1 of the book. The ad and sponsorship prices are at the bottom of the page:

*Concert 5-: I started thinking about the impact we can each have on the people and the world around us. I talked with many fans who felt that the Jonas Brothers music had healed their hearts. They felt sad or unloved in their lives. This sadness could be from the loss of a loved one or an illness or a disappointment in life.

As I sang the songs in the concert tonight, I began to imagine that I was a light beam in the world. I was feeling the love and the music and then I was imagining that I could spread that love to the section I was in and then to the rest of the arena and out into the world.

What if that is true? What if whenever we felt love we began to radiate love to the world? Try this. Think of a situation where you have felt love. Feel the love and imagine that it can flow out of you, like breathing in and out. Breathe in the love. Breathe out the love. As you feel the healing of you own heart, breathe that out into the world and then breathe it in again. Maybe that is the greatest gift of following the Jonas Brothers. The love we feel radiated to ourselves and each other.

*I ask myself, "Why can't I trust life to support me? Why must I worry and fear that things will not work out? Why am I holding onto the details of life so tightly when I have so much proof that I am supported?

*Am I here to watch the movie of my life or am I here for the ride? I choose the ride.

*Concert 6- Tacoma, Washington. I needed silence. My mind was racing with questions and I wanted to find a stillness to hear the answers. For me the silence is best in nature. I take a quiet walk or sit and watch the birds, the flowers, the trees, the wind, the clouds and the sky. As I sit in that still connection between myself and something greater than myself, the questions begin to appear.

*(talking about the impact of songs from the bands traveling with the Jonas Brothers) From the Honor Society is the song, "See U in the Dark." This is stirring something in me that is ready for the next chapter in my life. I am closing the chapter of homeschooling Mom. Widow of Hurley. Baltimore resident. I am excited to move into the next chapter and it is scary at the same time. The words from the song, "I'll never see you the same, The veil has been lifted, now I see you're gifted, My whole perspective has changed." This summer I want to explore the questions, "What are my gifts? What is the next step for me? How do I support Hannah in the last two years of school and begin to explore my own new life?" What's next?

*Concert 9: Provo, Utah. My victory is your victory. My YES! to the Universe, is your YES! to the Universe. My adventure leads you to your adventure.

It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and risk everything. I am learning to relax more on this evolutionary edge and follow the ideas and the guidance. Every step leads me to the next step.
